2024-09-27 20:28:33 +02:00

151 lines
6.0 KiB
Executable File

# Copyright (C) 2021 Paul Keith <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
# only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
import errno
from glob import glob
import os
import subprocess
import sys
from xml.etree import ElementTree
# Get external packages
from parse import parse
except ImportError:
print('Please install the "parse" package via pip3.')
import requests
except ImportError:
print('Please install the "requests" package via pip3.')
# Change working directory to the location of this script
# This fixes relative path references when calling this script from
# outside of the directory containing it
# Definitions for privileged permissions
privileged_permissions = set()
privileged_permission_mask = {'privileged', 'signature'}
# Get AndroidManifest.xml
req = requests.get(ANDROID_MANIFEST_XML)
# Parse AndroidManifest.xml to get signature|privileged permissions
root = ElementTree.fromstring(req.text)
for perm in root.findall('permission'):
# Get name of permission
name = perm.get(f'{ANDROID_XML_NS}name')
# Get the protection levels on the permission
levels = set(
# Check if the protections include signature and privileged
levels_masked = levels & privileged_permission_mask
if len(levels_masked) == len(privileged_permission_mask):
# List of partitions to check priv-app permissions on
partitions = ['product', 'system_ext']
# Definitions for privapp-permissions
# Dictionary with structure:
# partition: permissions_dictionary
# Where permissions_dictionary has the structure:
# package_name : (set(allowed_permissions), set(requested_permissions))
privapp_permissions_dict = {x: {} for x in partitions}
# Definitions for privapp-permission allowlists
GLOB_XML_STR = '../*/proprietary/{}/etc/permissions/privapp-permissions*.xml'
# Parse allowlists to extract allowed privileged permissions
for partition in partitions:
# Get pointer to permissions_dictionary for the partition
perm_dict = privapp_permissions_dict[partition]
# Loop over all the XMLs in the partition we want
for allowlist in glob(GLOB_XML_STR.format(partition)):
# Get root of XML
tree = ElementTree.parse(allowlist)
root = tree.getroot()
# Loop through and find packages
for package in root.findall('privapp-permissions'):
name = package.get('package')
# Create empty entry if it's not in the dictionary
if name not in perm_dict:
perm_dict[name] = (set(), set())
# Get all permissions and add them to dictionary
for permission in package.findall('permission'):
for permission in package.findall('deny-permission'):
# Definitions for parsing APKs
GLOB_APK_STR = '../*/proprietary/{}/priv-app/*/*.apk'
AAPT_CMD = ['aapt', 'd', 'permissions']
# Extract requested privileged permissions from all priv-app APKs
for partition in partitions:
# Get pointer to permissions_dictionary for the partition
perm_dict = privapp_permissions_dict[partition]
# Loop over all the APKs in the partition we want
for apk in glob(GLOB_APK_STR.format(partition)):
# Run 'aapt d permissions' on APK
aapt_output = subprocess.check_output(AAPT_CMD + [apk],
lines = aapt_output.splitlines()
# Extract package name from the output
# Output looks like:
# package:
package_name = parse('package: {}', lines[0])[0]
# Create empty entry if package is not in dict
if package_name not in perm_dict:
perm_dict[package_name] = (set(), set())
# Extract 'uses-permission' lines from the rest of the output
# Relevant output looks like:
# uses-permission: name='permission'
for line in lines[1:]:
# Extract permission name and add it to the dictionary if it's
# one of the privileged permissions we extracted earlier
if perm_name := parse('uses-permission: name=\'{}\'', line):
if perm_name[0] in privileged_permissions:
# Keep track of exit code
rc = 0
# Find all the missing permissions
for partition in partitions:
# Get pointer to permissions_dictionary for the partition
perm_dict = privapp_permissions_dict[partition]
# Loop through all the packages and compare permission sets
for package in perm_dict:
# Get the sets of permissions
# Format is (allowed, requested)
perm_sets = perm_dict[package]
# Compute the set difference requested - allowed
# This gives us all the permissions requested that were not allowed
perm_diff = perm_sets[1] - perm_sets[0]
# If any permissions are left, set exit code to EPERM and print output
if len(perm_diff) > 0:
rc = errno.EPERM
f"Package {package} on partition {partition} is missing these permissions:\n")
for perm in perm_diff:
sys.stderr.write(f" - {perm}\n")
# Exit program