diff --git a/Android.bp b/Android.bp
index b05e209..c01f918 100644
--- a/Android.bp
+++ b/Android.bp
@@ -480,15 +480,6 @@ prebuilt_etc_xml {
soc_specific: true,
-prebuilt_etc_xml {
- name: "vendor.qti.hardware.qxr-service",
- owner: "xiaomi",
- src: "proprietary/vendor/etc/vintf/manifest/vendor.qti.hardware.qxr-service.xml",
- filename_from_src: true,
- sub_dir: "vintf/manifest",
- soc_specific: true,
prebuilt_etc_xml {
name: "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims",
owner: "xiaomi",
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/bin/hw/qvrservice b/proprietary/vendor/bin/hw/qvrservice
deleted file mode 100755
index 9150f82..0000000
Binary files a/proprietary/vendor/bin/hw/qvrservice and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/bin/hw/sxrservice b/proprietary/vendor/bin/hw/sxrservice
deleted file mode 100755
index 6765a6a..0000000
Binary files a/proprietary/vendor/bin/hw/sxrservice and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/bin/qvrdatalogger b/proprietary/vendor/bin/qvrdatalogger
deleted file mode 100755
index 5f3e06f..0000000
Binary files a/proprietary/vendor/bin/qvrdatalogger and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/bin/qvrservicetest b/proprietary/vendor/bin/qvrservicetest
deleted file mode 100755
index f57f385..0000000
Binary files a/proprietary/vendor/bin/qvrservicetest and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/bin/qvrservicetest64 b/proprietary/vendor/bin/qvrservicetest64
deleted file mode 100755
index f833c3d..0000000
Binary files a/proprietary/vendor/bin/qvrservicetest64 and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/etc/init/qvrd_vndr.rc b/proprietary/vendor/etc/init/qvrd_vndr.rc
deleted file mode 100644
index 60ae2ce..0000000
--- a/proprietary/vendor/etc/init/qvrd_vndr.rc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# File: qvrd_vndr.rc
-# Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-on post-fs-data
- mkdir /data/vendor/qvr 0770 system system
-# Add qvrservice_vndr,qvrservice_vndr_camera sockets for qvrservice
-service qvrd_vndr /vendor/bin/hw/qvrservice
- class late_start
- user system
- group system camera graphics usb
- socket qvrservice_vndr stream 0660 system system
- socket qvrservice_vndr_camera stream 0660 system system
- capabilities SYS_NICE
-on boot
- chown system system /sys/module/drm/parameters/vblankoffdelay
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/etc/init/sxrd.rc b/proprietary/vendor/etc/init/sxrd.rc
deleted file mode 100644
index e77aeaf..0000000
--- a/proprietary/vendor/etc/init/sxrd.rc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# File: sxr.rc
-# Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-on post-fs-data
- mkdir /data/vendor/sxr 0770 system system
-# Add sxrservice socket for sxrservice
-service sxrd /vendor/bin/hw/sxrservice
- class late_start
- user system
- group system camera graphics inet usb
- socket sxrservice_vndr stream 0660 system system
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/339/0/65536/mtp855.txt b/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/339/0/65536/mtp855.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fe495e7..0000000
--- a/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/339/0/65536/mtp855.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved
-# Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# Configuration parameters for qvr service Hana MTP device
-# Calibration data path
-# If device-specific calibration data is present in an alternate location
-# (typically one that wouldn't get wiped during a build update), specify
-# that path here and the VR service will attempt to load calibration data
-# from that path first before loading it from its default location.
-#calibration_path =
-# External Sensor related configurations
-#external_sensor_lib =
-# External Camera related configurations
-#external_camera_lib =
-# EyeTracking Plugin related configurations
-#plugin_eye_tracking_lib =
-# Controls how/when eye tracking is started/stopped:
-# "default" : eye tracking mode (enable/disable) must be set prior to
-# starting VR mode.
-# if enabled, eye tracking will start when VR mode is started.
-# if enabled, eye tracking will stop when VR mode is stopped.
-# "standalone" : eye tracking will start when eye tracking mode is enabled.
-# eye tracking will stop when eye tracking mode is disabled,
-# or when VR mode stops.
-#plugin_eye_tracking_operating_mode = default
-# Tracker library
-6dof_tracker_lib = libtracker_6dof_skel_8150.so
-# Sensor orientation: default is: 1 2 3 (Android Portrait)
-# 1 represents x, 2 represents y and 3 represents z
-# The 3DOF and 6DOF tracking algorithms require IMU data
-# to be in Android Portrait orientation. If the device's
-# default orientation is *not* Android Portrait, these values
-# are used to convert from device orientation to Android
-# Portrait orientation.
-# For Android landscape sensor orientation, use 2 -1 3
-#sensor_orientation = 2 -1 3
-sensor_orientation = 1 2 3
-# tracking camera properties
-tracking_camera_id = 0
-tracking_camera_sensor = v4l_ov7251_stereo
-tracking_camera_driver = v4l2
-tracking_camera_res = 2560 960
-tracking_camera_quarter_res = 1280 480
-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-tracking_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-tracking_camera_auto_exposure = true
-tracking_camera_hvx_mode = false
-tracking_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-tracking_camera_master_only = false
-tracking_camera_control_protected = true
-tracking_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-tracking_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-tracking_camera_hvx_sensor = v4l_ov7251
-tracking_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-tracking_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-tracking_camera_default_resolution_mode = quarter
-tracking_camera_supported_formats = y8
-tracking_camera_default_frame_format = y8
-tracking_camera_gamma_blacklevel_cfg = 0.5:0
-# 6dof pose logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-tracking_6dof_pose_logging_mode = disabled
-# the service will expose display interrupts to its clients from
-# /dev/graphics/fb[display_id] (default is fb0)
-#display_id = 0
-# vblank off delay
-disp_vblank_off_delay = 20
-# QVRService display lineptr interrupt is not supported on SM8150/SDM845
-# and later platforms. Set this config to true to handle linePtr interrupt by VSYNC
-# interrupt. This config only need to be enable to support apps built with older VR
-# SDKs that do not support using vsync callback via svrapi_config.txt.
-disp_lineptr_override_to_vsync = false
-#force to mag sensor based drift free 3dof
-#force_drift_free_3dof = true
-#Received mag sensor data should be in the range of Earth's magnetic field magnitude range (0.25 to 0.65 gauss)
-#if not, then either mag is not calibrated or indicates presence of external noise
-#use (0 0) to disable this checking
-mag_validity_range_gauss = 0.25 0.65
-# performance: thread_attributes<_optional soc id>
-# format -> [thread type]:[cpu performance level]>[sched_policy],[priority],[cpu_affinity];[cpu performance level]>[sched_policy],[priority],[cpu_affinity];
-# cpu_affinity is given as bit mask
-performance_thread_attributes = render:0>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xFF;1>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0;2>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0;3>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = warp:0>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xFF;1>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0;2>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0;3>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = controller:0>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xFF;1>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF;2>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0;3>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = normal:0>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xFF;1>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF;2>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0;3>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0
-# performance: hints for gpu and cpu levels
-# format -> [cpu_level gpu_level]:[hint id in powerhint.xml] [cpu_level gpu_level]:[hint id in powerhint.xml]
-# format -> [cpu_level gpu_level] - lower byte for gpu level and next higher byte for cpu_level. Max level 255
-performance_perf_hints = 0x0101:0x0000130A 0x0102:0x0000130B 0x0103:0x0000130C
-performance_perf_hints = 0x0201:0x0000130D 0x0202:0x0000130E 0x0203:0x0000130F
-performance_perf_hints = 0x0301:0x00001310 0x0302:0x00001311 0x0303:0x00001312
-# performance thermal rules to be enabled
-# format -> [thermal rule name]:[algo type]>[hardware type]
-performance_thermal_rules = QVR_Rule_G:monitor>gpu QVR_Rule_C:monitor>cpu
-# performance thermal interval in millisecond
-performance_thermal_interval_ms = 1000
-# performance thermal level in degrees celsius
-# format -> [thermal level name]:[temparature in celsius]
-performance_thermal_level_cpu = level1:40 level2:50 level3:60 level4:70
-performance_thermal_level_gpu = level1:30 level2:40 level3:50 level4:60
-# performance: temperature to temperature level mapping
-# format -> [hardware type]:[temperature]>[temperature level];[temperature]>[temperature level]
-performance_temp_levels = gpu:30000>1;32000>2;34000>3;36000>4 cpu:38000>1;41000>2;42000>3;43000>4
-# performance: thermal rule threshold index to mitigation actions mapping
-# format -> [thermal rule name]:[threshold index]>[mit_action1,mit_action2];[threshold index]>[mit_action1,mit_action2]
-# mit_actions: fpsup & fpsdown -> increase & decrease fps , resup & reddown -> increase & decrease eye buffer resolution
-performance_mitigation_actions = QVR_Rule_G:1>fpsdown,resup;2>fpsdown,resdown;3>fpsdown,resup;4>fpsup,resdown;5>fpsdown,resdown;6>fpsdown,resup;7>fpsup,resup QVR_Rule_C:1>fpsdown,resup;2>fpsup,resup
-# A hw_transform setting defines a physical transform between two hardware
-# components in the Android Portrait coordinate system. The format is as follows:
-# hw_transform = [from] [to] [4x3 float matrix]
-# The values of the matrix are in meters and are flattened as follows:
-# R00 R01 R02 T1
-# R10 R11 R12 T2 --> [ R00 R01 R02 T1 R10 R11 R12 T2 R20 R21 R22 T3 ]
-# R20 R21 R22 T3
-# Valid values for [from] and [to] are:
-# hmd = virtual HMD reference point
-# imu = IMU
-# eyeL = left eye tracking camera
-# eyeR = right eye tracking camera
-hw_transform = imu hmd 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.095 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-hw_transform = imu eyeL 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-hw_transform = imu eyeR 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-# Early initialization of the Tracker module
-6dof_tracker_early_init = false
-# Synchronizer config
-# sync_config_eye_pose options: 1=get_eye_pose 2=vsync
-# sync_config_tracker options: 1=get_frame 2=vsync
-# sync_config_rgb options: 1=get_frame 2=vsync
-#sync_config_eye_pose = 1
-#sync_config_tracker = 1
-#sync_config_rgb = 1
-# device mode definitions
-# default: same as standalone
-# standalone: all-in-one
-# host_simple: host for simple viewer
-# host_smart: host for smartviewer
-# smartviewer_remote: smartviewer warp-on-host
-# smartviewer_local: smartviewer warp-on-hmd
-device-mode = host_simple
-# When set to a non-zero value, the service's main thread will run at SCHED_FIFO
-# with the specified priority value.
-sched_prio = 0
-# QVR 3dof Tracker library
-qvr_3dof_tracker_lib = libqvr_3dof_tracker_skel.so
-# Tracker Helper Prediction - Holt Winter's algo (6dof headset pose prediction)
-gyro_alpha = 0.13
-gyro_beta = 0.50
-gyro_gamma = 0.01
-gyro_delta = 0.03
-gyro_epsilon = 1.0
-gyro_f1 = 1.1
-gyro_f2 = 1.1
-gyro_f3 = 5.0
-translation_alpha = 0.068
-translation_beta = 0.059
-translation_f1 = 1.021
-# Frequency of the sensors
-# IMU(accel and gyro) sensor frequency
-sensor_frequency_hz = 1000
-# Magnetometer sensor frequency
-magnetometer_frequency_hz = 100
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/339/0/65536/mtp855_6dof_config.xml b/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/339/0/65536/mtp855_6dof_config.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 164a42d..0000000
--- a/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/339/0/65536/mtp855_6dof_config.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/356/0/65536/mtp865.txt b/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/356/0/65536/mtp865.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d1ce0a7..0000000
--- a/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/356/0/65536/mtp865.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved
-# Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# Configuration parameters for qvr service Kona MTP device
-# Calibration data path
-# If device-specific calibration data is present in an alternate location
-# (typically one that wouldn't get wiped during a build update), specify
-# that path here and the VR service will attempt to load calibration data
-# from that path first before loading it from its default location.
-#calibration_path =
-# External Sensor related configurations
-#external_sensor_lib =
-# External Camera related configurations
-#external_camera_lib =
-# EyeTracking Plugin related configurations
-#plugin_eye_tracking_lib =
-# Controls how/when eye tracking is started/stopped:
-# "default" : eye tracking mode (enable/disable) must be set prior to
-# starting VR mode.
-# if enabled, eye tracking will start when VR mode is started.
-# if enabled, eye tracking will stop when VR mode is stopped.
-# "standalone" : eye tracking will start when eye tracking mode is enabled.
-# eye tracking will stop when eye tracking mode is disabled,
-# or when VR mode stops.
-#plugin_eye_tracking_operating_mode = default
-# Host controller Plugin related configurations
-#plugin_host_controller_lib = libqvr_hostcontroller_plugin.so
-# Tracker library
-6dof_tracker_lib = libtracker_6dof_skel_8250.so
-# Sensor orientation: default is: 1 2 3 (Android Portrait)
-# 1 represents x, 2 represents y and 3 represents z
-# The 3DOF and 6DOF tracking algorithms require IMU data
-# to be in Android Portrait orientation. If the device's
-# default orientation is *not* Android Portrait, these values
-# are used to convert from device orientation to Android
-# Portrait orientation.
-# For Android landscape sensor orientation, use 2 -1 3
-#sensor_orientation = 2 -1 3
-sensor_orientation = 1 2 3
-# tracking camera properties
-tracking_camera_id = 0
-tracking_camera_sensor = v4l_ov7251_stereo
-tracking_camera_driver = v4l2
-tracking_camera_res = 2560 960
-tracking_camera_quarter_res = 1280 480
-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-tracking_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-tracking_camera_auto_exposure = true
-tracking_camera_hvx_mode = false
-tracking_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-tracking_camera_master_only = false
-tracking_camera_control_protected = true
-tracking_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-tracking_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-tracking_camera_hvx_sensor = v4l_ov7251
-tracking_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-tracking_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-tracking_camera_default_resolution_mode = quarter
-tracking_camera_supported_formats = y8
-tracking_camera_default_frame_format = y8
-tracking_camera_gamma_blacklevel_cfg = 0.5:0
-# uvc-tracking camera properties
-uvc-tracking_camera_id = 1
-uvc-tracking_camera_sensor = v4l_ov9282_stereo
-uvc-tracking_camera_driver = v4l2
-uvc-tracking_camera_res = 1280 400
-uvc-tracking_camera_quarter_res = 1280 400
-uvc-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-uvc-tracking_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-uvc-tracking_camera_auto_exposure = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_hvx_mode = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-uvc-tracking_camera_master_only = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_control_protected = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-uvc-tracking_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-uvc-tracking_camera_hvx_sensor = v4l_ov9282
-uvc-tracking_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-uvc-tracking_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-uvc-tracking_camera_default_resolution_mode = full
-uvc-tracking_camera_supported_formats = y8
-uvc-tracking_camera_default_frame_format = y8
-# 6dof pose logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-tracking_6dof_pose_logging_mode = disabled
-# the service will expose display interrupts to its clients from
-# /dev/graphics/fb[display_id] (default is fb0)
-#display_id = 0
-# vblank off delay
-disp_vblank_off_delay = 20
-# QVRService display lineptr interrupt is not supported on SM8150/SDM845
-# and later platforms. Set this config to true to handle linePtr interrupt by VSYNC
-# interrupt. This config only need to be enable to support apps built with older VR
-# SDKs that do not support using vsync callback via svrapi_config.txt.
-disp_lineptr_override_to_vsync = false
-#force to mag sensor based drift free 3dof
-#force_drift_free_3dof = true
-#Received mag sensor data should be in the range of Earth's magnetic field magnitude range (0.25 to 0.65 gauss)
-#if not, then either mag is not calibrated or indicates presence of external noise
-#use (0 0) to disable this checking
-mag_validity_range_gauss = 0.25 0.65
-# performance: thread_attributes<_optional soc id>
-# format -> [thread type]:[cpu performance level]>[sched_policy],[priority],[cpu_affinity];[cpu performance level]>[sched_policy],[priority],[cpu_affinity];
-# cpu_affinity is given as bit mask
-performance_thread_attributes = render:0>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xFF;1>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0;2>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0;3>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = warp:0>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xFF;1>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0;2>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0;3>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = controller:0>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xFF;1>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF;2>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0;3>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = normal:0>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xFF;1>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF;2>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0;3>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = qvrcamera_realtime:*>SCHED_OTHER,0,0x70
-# performance: hints for gpu and cpu levels
-# format -> [cpu_level gpu_level]:[hint id in powerhint.xml] [cpu_level gpu_level]:[hint id in powerhint.xml]
-# format -> [cpu_level gpu_level] - lower byte for gpu level and next higher byte for cpu_level. Max level 255
-performance_perf_hints = 0x0101:0x0000130A 0x0102:0x0000130B 0x0103:0x0000130C
-performance_perf_hints = 0x0201:0x0000130D 0x0202:0x0000130E 0x0203:0x0000130F
-performance_perf_hints = 0x0301:0x00001310 0x0302:0x00001311 0x0303:0x00001312
-# performance thermal rules to be enabled
-# format -> [thermal rule name]:[algo type]>[hardware type]
-performance_thermal_rules = QVR_Rule_G:monitor>gpu QVR_Rule_C:monitor>cpu
-# performance thermal interval in millisecond
-performance_thermal_interval_ms = 1000
-# performance thermal level in degrees celsius
-# format -> [thermal level name]:[temparature in celsius]
-performance_thermal_level_cpu = level1:40 level2:50 level3:60 level4:70
-performance_thermal_level_gpu = level1:30 level2:40 level3:50 level4:60
-# performance: temperature to temperature level mapping
-# format -> [hardware type]:[temperature]>[temperature level];[temperature]>[temperature level]
-performance_temp_levels = gpu:30000>1;32000>2;34000>3;36000>4 cpu:38000>1;41000>2;42000>3;43000>4
-# performance: thermal rule threshold index to mitigation actions mapping
-# format -> [thermal rule name]:[threshold index]>[mit_action1,mit_action2];[threshold index]>[mit_action1,mit_action2]
-# mit_actions: fpsup & fpsdown -> increase & decrease fps , resup & reddown -> increase & decrease eye buffer resolution
-performance_mitigation_actions = QVR_Rule_G:1>fpsdown,resup;2>fpsdown,resdown;3>fpsdown,resup;4>fpsup,resdown;5>fpsdown,resdown;6>fpsdown,resup;7>fpsup,resup QVR_Rule_C:1>fpsdown,resup;2>fpsup,resup
-# A hw_transform setting defines a physical transform between two hardware
-# components in the Android Portrait coordinate system. The format is as follows:
-# hw_transform = [from] [to] [4x3 float matrix]
-# The values of the matrix are in meters and are flattened as follows:
-# R00 R01 R02 T1
-# R10 R11 R12 T2 --> [ R00 R01 R02 T1 R10 R11 R12 T2 R20 R21 R22 T3 ]
-# R20 R21 R22 T3
-# Valid values for [from] and [to] are:
-# hmd = virtual HMD reference point
-# imu = IMU
-# eyeL = left eye tracking camera
-# eyeR = right eye tracking camera
-hw_transform = imu hmd 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.095 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-hw_transform = imu eyeL 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-hw_transform = imu eyeR 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-# Early initialization of the Tracker module
-6dof_tracker_early_init = false
-# Synchronizer config
-# sync_config_eye_pose options: 1=get_eye_pose 2=vsync
-# sync_config_tracker options: 1=get_frame 2=vsync
-# sync_config_rgb options: 1=get_frame 2=vsync
-#sync_config_eye_pose = 1
-#sync_config_tracker = 1
-#sync_config_rgb = 1
-# device mode definitions
-# default: same as standalone
-# standalone: all-in-one
-# host_simple: host for simple viewer
-# host_smart: host for smartviewer
-# smartviewer_remote: smartviewer warp-on-host
-# smartviewer_local: smartviewer warp-on-hmd
-device-mode = host_simple
-# When set to a non-zero value, the service's main thread will run at SCHED_FIFO
-# with the specified priority value.
-sched_prio = 0
-# QVR 3dof Tracker library
-qvr_3dof_tracker_lib = libqvr_3dof_tracker_skel.so
-# Tracker Helper Prediction - Holt Winter's algo (6dof headset pose prediction)
-gyro_alpha = 0.13
-gyro_beta = 0.50
-gyro_gamma = 0.01
-gyro_delta = 0.03
-gyro_epsilon = 1.0
-gyro_f1 = 1.1
-gyro_f2 = 1.1
-gyro_f3 = 5.0
-translation_alpha = 0.068
-translation_beta = 0.059
-translation_f1 = 1.021
-# Frequency of the sensors
-# IMU(accel and gyro) sensor frequency
-sensor_frequency_hz = 1000
-# Magnetometer sensor frequency
-magnetometer_frequency_hz = 100
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/356/0/65536/mtp865_6dof_config.xml b/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/356/0/65536/mtp865_6dof_config.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 164a42d..0000000
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--- a/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/356/1/131072/morpheus.txt
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-# Copyright (c) 2016-2021 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# Configuration parameters for qvr service for Morpheus device.
-# Calibration data path
-# If device-specific calibration data is present in an alternate location
-# (typically one that wouldn't get wiped during a build update), specify
-# that path here and the VR service will attempt to load calibration data
-# from that path first before loading it from its default location.
-#calibration_path =
-# External Sensor related configurations
-#external_sensor_lib =
-# External Camera related configurations
-#external_camera_lib =
-# EyeTracking Plugin related configurations
-plugin_eye_tracking_lib = libqvr_eyetracking_plugin.so
-# Controls how/when eye tracking is started/stopped:
-# "default" : eye tracking mode (enable/disable) must be set prior to
-# starting VR mode.
-# if enabled, eye tracking will start when VR mode is started.
-# if enabled, eye tracking will stop when VR mode is stopped.
-# "standalone" : eye tracking will start when eye tracking mode is enabled.
-# eye tracking will stop when eye tracking mode is disabled,
-# or when VR mode stops.
-plugin_eye_tracking_operating_mode = default
-# Tracker library
-6dof_tracker_lib = libtracker_6dof_skel_8250.so
-# Sensor orientation: default is: 1 2 3 (Android Portrait)
-# 1 represents x, 2 represents y and 3 represents z
-# The 3DOF and 6DOF tracking algorithms require IMU data
-# to be in Android Portrait orientation. If the device's
-# default orientation is *not* Android Portrait, these values
-# are used to convert from device orientation to Android
-# Portrait orientation.
-# For Android landscape sensor orientation, use 2 -1 3
-#sensor_orientation = 2 -1 3
-sensor_orientation = 1 2 3
-# tracking camera properties
-tracking_camera_id = 0,2
-tracking_camera_sensor = ov9282_stereo
-tracking_camera_driver = native_pair
-tracking_camera_res = 2560 800 30 90
-tracking_camera_quarter_res = 1280 400 30 90 91.8
-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_mode = true
-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-tracking_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw16
-tracking_camera_auto_exposure = true
-tracking_camera_hvx_mode = false
-tracking_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-tracking_camera_master_only = false
-tracking_camera_control_protected = true
-tracking_camera_privileged_client = 0
-tracking_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-tracking_camera_hvx_sensor = ov9282
-tracking_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-tracking_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-tracking_camera_default_resolution_mode = quarter
-tracking_camera_supported_formats = y8 depth16
-tracking_camera_default_frame_format = y8
-tracking_camera_fast_frame_request_mode = true
-tracking_camera_enable_partial_frame_read = false
-tracking_camera_timing_quarter_res_buffer_fill_duration_us = 3675
-tracking_camera_timing_quarter_res_buffer_fill_offset_us = 2560
-tracking_camera_gamma_blacklevel_cfg = 0.5:0
-# eye camera properties
-eye-tracking_camera_id = 5,4
-eye-tracking_camera_sensor = ov6211_stereo
-eye-tracking_camera_driver = native_pair
-eye-tracking_camera_res = 800 400 60 220
-eye-tracking_camera_quarter_res = 400 200 60 220
-eye-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_mode = true
-eye-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-eye-tracking_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-eye-tracking_camera_auto_exposure = false
-eye-tracking_camera_hvx_mode = false
-eye-tracking_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-eye-tracking_camera_master_only = true
-eye-tracking_camera_control_protected = true
-eye-tracking_camera_privileged_client = 0
-eye-tracking_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-eye-tracking_camera_hvx_sensor = ov6211
-eye-tracking_camera_default_flash_mode = torch
-eye-tracking_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-eye-tracking_camera_default_resolution_mode = full
-eye-tracking_camera_supported_formats = y8
-eye-tracking_camera_default_frame_format = y8
-# RGB left camera properties
-rgb-left_camera_id = 3
-rgb-left_camera_sensor = ov8856
-rgb-left_camera_driver = native
-rgb-left_camera_res = 3264 2448 30 30
-rgb-left_camera_quarter_res = 1408 792 90 90 91.8
-rgb-left_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-rgb-left_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-rgb-left_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-rgb-left_camera_auto_exposure = true
-rgb-left_camera_hvx_mode = false
-rgb-left_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-rgb-left_camera_master_only = false
-rgb-left_camera_control_protected = false
-rgb-left_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-rgb-left_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-rgb-left_camera_hvx_sensor = ov8856
-rgb-left_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-rgb-left_camera_enable_yuv_ipe_bypass = false
-rgb-left_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-rgb-left_camera_default_resolution_mode = quarter
-rgb-left_camera_supported_formats = yuv420
-rgb-left_camera_default_frame_format = yuv420
-rgb-left_camera_enable_partial_frame_read = true
-rgb-left_camera_timing_quarter_res_buffer_fill_duration_us = 10600
-rgb-left_camera_timing_quarter_res_buffer_fill_offset_us = 200
-# RGB right camera properties
-rgb-right_camera_id = 1
-rgb-right_camera_sensor = ov8856
-rgb-right_camera_driver = native
-rgb-right_camera_res = 3264 2448 30 30
-rgb-right_camera_quarter_res = 1408 792 90 90 91.8
-rgb-right_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-rgb-right_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-rgb-right_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-rgb-right_camera_auto_exposure = true
-rgb-right_camera_hvx_mode = false
-rgb-right_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-rgb-right_camera_master_only = false
-rgb-right_camera_control_protected = false
-rgb-right_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-rgb-right_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-rgb-right_camera_hvx_sensor = ov8856
-rgb-right_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-rgb-right_camera_enable_yuv_ipe_bypass = false
-rgb-right_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-rgb-right_camera_default_resolution_mode = quarter
-rgb-right_camera_supported_formats = yuv420
-rgb-right_camera_default_frame_format = yuv420
-rgb-right_camera_enable_partial_frame_read = true
-rgb-right_camera_timing_quarter_res_buffer_fill_duration_us = 10600
-rgb-right_camera_timing_quarter_res_buffer_fill_offset_us = 200
-# RGB sync camera properties
-rgb_camera_id = 3,1
-rgb_camera_sensor = ov8856_stereo
-rgb_camera_driver = native_pair
-rgb_camera_calibration_name = rgb-left,rgb-right
-rgb_camera_res = 6528 2448 30 30
-rgb_camera_quarter_res = 2816 792 90 90 91.8
-rgb_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-rgb_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-rgb_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-rgb_camera_auto_exposure = true
-rgb_camera_hvx_mode = false
-rgb_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-rgb_camera_master_only = false
-rgb_camera_control_protected = false
-rgb_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-rgb_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-rgb_camera_hvx_sensor = ov8856
-rgb_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-rgb_camera_enable_yuv_ipe_bypass = true
-rgb_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-rgb_camera_default_resolution_mode = quarter
-rgb_camera_supported_formats = yuv420
-rgb_camera_default_frame_format = yuv420
-rgb_camera_enable_partial_frame_read = true
-rgb_camera_timing_quarter_res_buffer_fill_duration_us = 10600
-rgb_camera_timing_quarter_res_buffer_fill_offset_us = 200
-# 6dof pose logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-tracking_6dof_pose_logging_mode = disabled
-# the service will expose display interrupts to its clients from
-# /dev/graphics/fb[display_id] (default is fb0)
-#display_id = 0
-# vblank off delay
-disp_vblank_off_delay = 20
-# QVRService display lineptr interrupt is not supported on SM8150/SDM845
-# and later platforms. Set this config to true to handle linePtr interrupt by VSYNC
-# interrupt. This config only need to be enable to support apps built with older VR
-# SDKs that do not support using vsync callback via svrapi_config.txt.
-disp_lineptr_override_to_vsync = false
-#force to mag sensor based drift free 3dof
-#force_drift_free_3dof = true
-#Received mag sensor data should be in the range of Earth's magnetic field magnitude range (0.25 to 0.65 gauss)
-#if not, then either mag is not calibrated or indicates presence of external noise
-#use (0 0) to disable this checking
-mag_validity_range_gauss = 0.25 0.65
-# performance: thread_attributes<_optional soc id>
-# format -> [thread type]:[cpu performance level]>[sched_policy],[priority],[cpu_affinity];[cpu performance level]>[sched_policy],[priority],[cpu_affinity];
-# cpu_affinity is given as bit mask
-performance_thread_attributes = render:0>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xFF;1>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0;2>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0;3>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = warp:0>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xFF;1>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0;2>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0;3>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = controller:0>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xFF;1>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF;2>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0;3>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = normal:0>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xFF;1>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF;2>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0;3>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = qvrcamera_realtime:*>SCHED_OTHER,0,0x70
-# performance: hints for gpu and cpu levels
-# format -> [cpu_level gpu_level]:[hint id in powerhint.xml] [cpu_level gpu_level]:[hint id in powerhint.xml]
-# format -> [cpu_level gpu_level] - lower byte for gpu level and next higher byte for cpu_level. Max level 255
-performance_perf_hints = 0x0101:0x0000130A 0x0102:0x0000130B 0x0103:0x0000130C
-performance_perf_hints = 0x0201:0x0000130D 0x0202:0x0000130E 0x0203:0x0000130F
-performance_perf_hints = 0x0301:0x00001310 0x0302:0x00001311 0x0303:0x00001312
-# performance thermal rules to be enabled
-# format -> [thermal rule name]:[algo type]>[hardware type]
-performance_thermal_rules = QVR_Rule_G:monitor>gpu QVR_Rule_C:monitor>cpu
-# performance thermal interval in millisecond
-performance_thermal_interval_ms = 1000
-# performance thermal level in degrees celsius
-# format -> [thermal level name]:[temparature in celsius]
-performance_thermal_level_cpu = level1:40 level2:50 level3:60 level4:70
-performance_thermal_level_gpu = level1:30 level2:40 level3:50 level4:60
-# performance: temperature to temperature level mapping
-# format -> [hardware type]:[temperature]>[temperature level];[temperature]>[temperature level]
-performance_temp_levels = gpu:30000>1;32000>2;34000>3;36000>4 cpu:38000>1;41000>2;42000>3;43000>4
-# performance: thermal rule threshold index to mitigation actions mapping
-# format -> [thermal rule name]:[threshold index]>[mit_action1,mit_action2];[threshold index]>[mit_action1,mit_action2]
-# mit_actions: fpsup & fpsdown -> increase & decrease fps , resup & reddown -> increase & decrease eye buffer resolution
-performance_mitigation_actions = QVR_Rule_G:1>fpsdown,resup;2>fpsdown,resdown;3>fpsdown,resup;4>fpsup,resdown;5>fpsdown,resdown;6>fpsdown,resup;7>fpsup,resup QVR_Rule_C:1>fpsdown,resup;2>fpsup,resup
-# A hw_transform setting defines a physical transform between two hardware
-# components in the Android Portrait coordinate system. The format is as follows:
-# hw_transform = [from] [to] [4x3 float matrix]
-# The values of the matrix are in meters and are flattened as follows:
-# R00 R01 R02 T1
-# R10 R11 R12 T2 --> [ R00 R01 R02 T1 R10 R11 R12 T2 R20 R21 R22 T3 ]
-# R20 R21 R22 T3
-# Valid values for [from] and [to] are:
-# hmd = virtual HMD reference point
-# imu = IMU
-# eyeL = left eye tracking camera
-# eyeR = right eye tracking camera
-hw_transform = imu hmd 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.095 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-hw_transform = imu eyeL 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-hw_transform = imu eyeR 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-# Early initialization of the Tracker module
-6dof_tracker_early_init = true
-# Reload the service when the app closes. Default is false.
-reload_when_closed = true
-# Synchronizer config
-# sync_config_eye_pose options: 1=get_eye_pose 2=vsync
-# sync_config_tracker options: 1=get_frame 2=vsync
-# sync_config_rgb options: 1=get_frame 2=vsync
-#sync_config_eye_pose = 1
-#sync_config_tracker = 1
-sync_config_rgb = 1
-# device mode definitions
-# default: same as standalone
-# standalone: all-in-one
-# host_simple: host for simple viewer
-# host_smart: host for smartviewer
-# smartviewer_remote: smartviewer warp-on-host
-# smartviewer_local: smartviewer warp-on-hmd
-device-mode = standalone
-# When set to a non-zero value, the service's main thread will run at SCHED_FIFO
-# with the specified priority value.
-sched_prio = 42
-# QVR 3dof Tracker library
-qvr_3dof_tracker_lib = libqvr_3dof_tracker_skel.so
-# Tracker Helper Prediction - Holt Winter's algo (6dof headset pose prediction)
-gyro_alpha = 0.13
-gyro_beta = 0.50
-gyro_gamma = 0.01
-gyro_delta = 0.03
-gyro_epsilon = 1.0
-gyro_f1 = 1.1
-gyro_f2 = 1.1
-gyro_f3 = 5.0
-translation_alpha = 0.068
-translation_beta = 0.059
-translation_f1 = 1.021
-# Path to neural network model
-depth_model_path = /etc/qvr/depth_model.dlc
-# 3D Reconstruction
-3dr_enabled = false
-# Size of the samples stored in the 3D reconstruction in meters.
-# Type: float
-# Suggested Value: 0.01 to 0.1 meter
-3dr_config_sample_distance = 0.05
-# Size of the samples stored in the 3D reconstruction in meters.
-# Type: float
-# Suggested Value: At least 5 * 3dr_config_sample_distance
-3dr_config_integration_distance = 0.25
-# Max std error acceptable for a fitted/merged plane in meters.
-# Type: float
-# Suggested Value: 3dr_config_sample_distance * 5
-3dr_config_plane_detection_max_std_error = 0.25
-# Max angular error acceptable for a merged plane in radians.
-# Type: float
-# Suggested Value: 0.2 radians
-3dr_config_plane_detection_max_angle_error = 0.2
-# Number of iterations for the plane refinement algorithm.
-# Type: unsigned integer
-# Suggested Value: 5
-3dr_config_plane_detection_l1_fitting_iterations = 5
-# Alpha value in shape plane contour extraction algorithm. Set to zero for convex hull.
-# Type: float
-3dr_config_plane_detection_alpha = 0
-# Max angle tolerance to determine whether a plane is horizontal or vertical.
-# Type: float
-3dr_config_plane_orientation_max_angle_tolerance = 5.0
-# Max valid depth distance in mm. Values strictly greater than the clipping distance are ignored.
-# Recommended values: 5000 for dnn, 2000 for dfs
-3dr_config_depth_clipping_distance = 5000
-# Source of depth map
-# Valid values:
-# depth : Depth Camera
-# tracking: Tracking camera
-# Type: string
-3dr_depth_source = tracking
-# Algorithm to create depth.
-# Valid values:
-# dfs: Depth from Stereo
-# dnn: Depth from Neural Network
-# Type: string
-# Note: This value will be ignored if 3dr_depth_source = depth
-3dr_depth_mode = dnn
-# Preferred 3DR frame rate. System load/performance may limit frame rate.
-3dr_depth_fps = 10
-#Data Capture Properties
-dcs_enabled = false
-# EVA/CVP 2.0+ dfs: Depth From Stereo
-# Depth and CVP output raster rearrange computation for dfs disparity output.
-# true: computation performed on DSP using Halide libraries (faster, low power)
-# false: computation performed on ARM CPU
-dfs_disparity_convert_on_dsp = false
-# Frequency of the sensors
-# IMU(accel and gyro) sensor frequency
-sensor_frequency_hz = 1000
-# Magnetometer sensor frequency
-magnetometer_frequency_hz = 100
\ No newline at end of file
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-# Copyright (c) 2016-2021 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# Configuration parameters for qvr service for Trinity device.
-# Calibration data path
-# If device-specific calibration data is present in an alternate location
-# (typically one that wouldn't get wiped during a build update), specify
-# that path here and the VR service will attempt to load calibration data
-# from that path first before loading it from its default location.
-#calibration_path =
-# External Sensor related configurations
-#external_sensor_lib =
-# External Camera related configurations
-#external_camera_lib =
-# EyeTracking Plugin related configurations
-plugin_eye_tracking_lib = libqvr_eyetracking_plugin.so
-# Controls how/when eye tracking is started/stopped:
-# "default" : eye tracking mode (enable/disable) must be set prior to
-# starting VR mode.
-# if enabled, eye tracking will start when VR mode is started.
-# if enabled, eye tracking will stop when VR mode is stopped.
-# "standalone" : eye tracking will start when eye tracking mode is enabled.
-# eye tracking will stop when eye tracking mode is disabled,
-# or when VR mode stops.
-plugin_eye_tracking_operating_mode = default
-# Tracker library
-6dof_tracker_lib = libtracker_6dof_skel_8250.so
-# Sensor orientation: default is: 1 2 3 (Android Portrait)
-# 1 represents x, 2 represents y and 3 represents z
-# The 3DOF and 6DOF tracking algorithms require IMU data
-# to be in Android Portrait orientation. If the device's
-# default orientation is *not* Android Portrait, these values
-# are used to convert from device orientation to Android
-# Portrait orientation.
-# For Android landscape sensor orientation, use 2 -1 3
-#sensor_orientation = 2 -1 3
-sensor_orientation = 1 2 3
-# tracking camera properties
-tracking_camera_id = 4,5
-tracking_camera_sensor = ov9282_stereo
-tracking_camera_driver = native_pair
-tracking_camera_res = 2560 800 30 90
-tracking_camera_quarter_res = 1280 400 30 90 91.8
-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_mode = true
-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-tracking_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw16
-tracking_camera_auto_exposure = true
-tracking_camera_hvx_mode = false
-tracking_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-tracking_camera_master_only = false
-tracking_camera_control_protected = true
-tracking_camera_privileged_client = 0
-tracking_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-tracking_camera_hvx_sensor = ov9282
-tracking_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-tracking_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-tracking_camera_default_resolution_mode = quarter
-tracking_camera_supported_formats = y8 depth16
-tracking_camera_default_frame_format = y8
-tracking_camera_fast_frame_request_mode = true
-tracking_camera_enable_partial_frame_read = false
-tracking_camera_timing_quarter_res_buffer_fill_duration_us = 3675
-tracking_camera_timing_quarter_res_buffer_fill_offset_us = 2560
-tracking_camera_gamma_blacklevel_cfg = 0.5:0
-# eye camera properties
-eye-tracking_camera_id = 2,1
-eye-tracking_camera_sensor = ov6211_stereo
-eye-tracking_camera_driver = native_pair
-eye-tracking_camera_res = 800 400 60 220
-eye-tracking_camera_quarter_res = 400 200 60 220
-eye-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_mode = true
-eye-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-eye-tracking_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-eye-tracking_camera_auto_exposure = false
-eye-tracking_camera_hvx_mode = false
-eye-tracking_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-eye-tracking_camera_master_only = true
-eye-tracking_camera_control_protected = true
-eye-tracking_camera_privileged_client = 0
-eye-tracking_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-eye-tracking_camera_hvx_sensor = ov6211
-eye-tracking_camera_default_flash_mode = torch
-eye-tracking_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-eye-tracking_camera_default_resolution_mode = full
-eye-tracking_camera_supported_formats = y8
-eye-tracking_camera_default_frame_format = y8
-# RGB left camera properties
-rgb-left_camera_id = 3
-rgb-left_camera_sensor = ov8856
-rgb-left_camera_driver = native
-rgb-left_camera_res = 3264 2448 30 30
-rgb-left_camera_quarter_res = 1408 792 90 90 91.8
-rgb-left_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-rgb-left_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-rgb-left_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-rgb-left_camera_auto_exposure = true
-rgb-left_camera_hvx_mode = false
-rgb-left_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-rgb-left_camera_master_only = false
-rgb-left_camera_control_protected = false
-rgb-left_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-rgb-left_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-rgb-left_camera_hvx_sensor = ov8856
-rgb-left_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-rgb-left_camera_enable_yuv_ipe_bypass = false
-rgb-left_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-rgb-left_camera_default_resolution_mode = quarter
-rgb-left_camera_supported_formats = yuv420
-rgb-left_camera_default_frame_format = yuv420
-rgb-left_camera_enable_partial_frame_read = true
-rgb-left_camera_timing_quarter_res_buffer_fill_duration_us = 10600
-rgb-left_camera_timing_quarter_res_buffer_fill_offset_us = 200
-# RGB right camera properties
-rgb-right_camera_id = 0
-rgb-right_camera_sensor = ov8856
-rgb-right_camera_driver = native
-rgb-right_camera_res = 3264 2448 30 30
-rgb-right_camera_quarter_res = 1408 792 90 90 91.8
-rgb-right_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-rgb-right_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-rgb-right_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-rgb-right_camera_auto_exposure = true
-rgb-right_camera_hvx_mode = false
-rgb-right_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-rgb-right_camera_master_only = false
-rgb-right_camera_control_protected = false
-rgb-right_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-rgb-right_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-rgb-right_camera_hvx_sensor = ov8856
-rgb-right_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-rgb-right_camera_enable_yuv_ipe_bypass = false
-rgb-right_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-rgb-right_camera_default_resolution_mode = quarter
-rgb-right_camera_supported_formats = yuv420
-rgb-right_camera_default_frame_format = yuv420
-rgb-right_camera_enable_partial_frame_read = true
-rgb-right_camera_timing_quarter_res_buffer_fill_duration_us = 10600
-rgb-right_camera_timing_quarter_res_buffer_fill_offset_us = 200
-# RGB sync camera properties
-rgb_camera_id = 3,0
-rgb_camera_sensor = ov8856_stereo
-rgb_camera_driver = native_pair
-rgb_camera_calibration_name = rgb-left,rgb-right
-rgb_camera_res = 6528 2448 30 30
-rgb_camera_quarter_res = 2816 792 90 90 91.8
-rgb_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-rgb_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-rgb_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-rgb_camera_auto_exposure = true
-rgb_camera_hvx_mode = false
-rgb_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-rgb_camera_master_only = false
-rgb_camera_control_protected = false
-rgb_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-rgb_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-rgb_camera_hvx_sensor = ov8856
-rgb_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-rgb_camera_enable_yuv_ipe_bypass = true
-rgb_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-rgb_camera_default_resolution_mode = quarter
-rgb_camera_supported_formats = yuv420
-rgb_camera_default_frame_format = yuv420
-rgb_camera_enable_partial_frame_read = true
-rgb_camera_timing_quarter_res_buffer_fill_duration_us = 10600
-rgb_camera_timing_quarter_res_buffer_fill_offset_us = 200
-# 6dof pose logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-tracking_6dof_pose_logging_mode = disabled
-# the service will expose display interrupts to its clients from
-# /dev/graphics/fb[display_id] (default is fb0)
-#display_id = 0
-# vblank off delay
-disp_vblank_off_delay = 20
-# QVRService display lineptr interrupt is not supported on SM8150/SDM845
-# and later platforms. Set this config to true to handle linePtr interrupt by VSYNC
-# interrupt. This config only need to be enable to support apps built with older VR
-# SDKs that do not support using vsync callback via svrapi_config.txt.
-disp_lineptr_override_to_vsync = false
-#force to mag sensor based drift free 3dof
-#force_drift_free_3dof = true
-#Received mag sensor data should be in the range of Earth's magnetic field magnitude range (0.25 to 0.65 gauss)
-#if not, then either mag is not calibrated or indicates presence of external noise
-#use (0 0) to disable this checking
-mag_validity_range_gauss = 0.25 0.65
-# performance: thread_attributes<_optional soc id>
-# format -> [thread type]:[cpu performance level]>[sched_policy],[priority],[cpu_affinity];[cpu performance level]>[sched_policy],[priority],[cpu_affinity];
-# cpu_affinity is given as bit mask
-performance_thread_attributes = render:0>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xFF;1>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0;2>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0;3>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = warp:0>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xFF;1>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0;2>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0;3>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = controller:0>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xFF;1>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF;2>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0;3>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = normal:0>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xFF;1>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF;2>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0;3>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = qvrcamera_realtime:*>SCHED_OTHER,0,0x70
-# performance: hints for gpu and cpu levels
-# format -> [cpu_level gpu_level]:[hint id in powerhint.xml] [cpu_level gpu_level]:[hint id in powerhint.xml]
-# format -> [cpu_level gpu_level] - lower byte for gpu level and next higher byte for cpu_level. Max level 255
-performance_perf_hints = 0x0101:0x0000130A 0x0102:0x0000130B 0x0103:0x0000130C
-performance_perf_hints = 0x0201:0x0000130D 0x0202:0x0000130E 0x0203:0x0000130F
-performance_perf_hints = 0x0301:0x00001310 0x0302:0x00001311 0x0303:0x00001312
-# performance thermal rules to be enabled
-# format -> [thermal rule name]:[algo type]>[hardware type]
-performance_thermal_rules = QVR_Rule_G:monitor>gpu QVR_Rule_C:monitor>cpu
-# performance thermal interval in millisecond
-performance_thermal_interval_ms = 1000
-# performance thermal level in degrees celsius
-# format -> [thermal level name]:[temparature in celsius]
-performance_thermal_level_cpu = level1:40 level2:50 level3:60 level4:70
-performance_thermal_level_gpu = level1:30 level2:40 level3:50 level4:60
-# performance: temperature to temperature level mapping
-# format -> [hardware type]:[temperature]>[temperature level];[temperature]>[temperature level]
-performance_temp_levels = gpu:30000>1;32000>2;34000>3;36000>4 cpu:38000>1;41000>2;42000>3;43000>4
-# performance: thermal rule threshold index to mitigation actions mapping
-# format -> [thermal rule name]:[threshold index]>[mit_action1,mit_action2];[threshold index]>[mit_action1,mit_action2]
-# mit_actions: fpsup & fpsdown -> increase & decrease fps , resup & reddown -> increase & decrease eye buffer resolution
-performance_mitigation_actions = QVR_Rule_G:1>fpsdown,resup;2>fpsdown,resdown;3>fpsdown,resup;4>fpsup,resdown;5>fpsdown,resdown;6>fpsdown,resup;7>fpsup,resup QVR_Rule_C:1>fpsdown,resup;2>fpsup,resup
-# A hw_transform setting defines a physical transform between two hardware
-# components in the Android Portrait coordinate system. The format is as follows:
-# hw_transform = [from] [to] [4x3 float matrix]
-# The values of the matrix are in meters and are flattened as follows:
-# R00 R01 R02 T1
-# R10 R11 R12 T2 --> [ R00 R01 R02 T1 R10 R11 R12 T2 R20 R21 R22 T3 ]
-# R20 R21 R22 T3
-# Valid values for [from] and [to] are:
-# hmd = virtual HMD reference point
-# imu = IMU
-# eyeL = left eye tracking camera
-# eyeR = right eye tracking camera
-hw_transform = imu hmd 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.095 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-hw_transform = imu eyeL 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-hw_transform = imu eyeR 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-# Early initialization of the Tracker module
-6dof_tracker_early_init = true
-# Synchronizer config
-# sync_config_eye_pose options: 1=get_eye_pose 2=vsync
-# sync_config_tracker options: 1=get_frame 2=vsync
-# sync_config_rgb options: 1=get_frame 2=vsync
-#sync_config_eye_pose = 1
-#sync_config_tracker = 1
-sync_config_rgb = 1
-# device mode definitions
-# default: same as standalone
-# standalone: all-in-one
-# host_simple: host for simple viewer
-# host_smart: host for smartviewer
-# smartviewer_remote: smartviewer warp-on-host
-# smartviewer_local: smartviewer warp-on-hmd
-device-mode = standalone
-# When set to a non-zero value, the service's main thread will run at SCHED_FIFO
-# with the specified priority value.
-sched_prio = 42
-# QVR 3dof Tracker library
-qvr_3dof_tracker_lib = libqvr_3dof_tracker_skel.so
-# Tracker Helper Prediction - Holt Winter's algo (6dof headset pose prediction)
-gyro_alpha = 0.13
-gyro_beta = 0.50
-gyro_gamma = 0.01
-gyro_delta = 0.03
-gyro_epsilon = 1.0
-gyro_f1 = 1.1
-gyro_f2 = 1.1
-gyro_f3 = 5.0
-translation_alpha = 0.068
-translation_beta = 0.059
-translation_f1 = 1.021
-# Path to neural network model
-depth_model_path = /etc/qvr/depth_model.dlc
-# 3D Reconstruction
-3dr_enabled = false
-# Size of the samples stored in the 3D reconstruction in meters.
-# Type: float
-# Suggested Value: 0.01 to 0.1 meter
-3dr_config_sample_distance = 0.05
-# Size of the samples stored in the 3D reconstruction in meters.
-# Type: float
-# Suggested Value: At least 5 * 3dr_config_sample_distance
-3dr_config_integration_distance = 0.25
-# Max std error acceptable for a fitted/merged plane in meters.
-# Type: float
-# Suggested Value: 3dr_config_sample_distance * 5
-3dr_config_plane_detection_max_std_error = 0.25
-# Max angular error acceptable for a merged plane in radians.
-# Type: float
-# Suggested Value: 0.2 radians
-3dr_config_plane_detection_max_angle_error = 0.2
-# Number of iterations for the plane refinement algorithm.
-# Type: unsigned integer
-# Suggested Value: 5
-3dr_config_plane_detection_l1_fitting_iterations = 5
-# Alpha value in shape plane contour extraction algorithm. Set to zero for convex hull.
-# Type: float
-3dr_config_plane_detection_alpha = 0
-# Max angle tolerance to determine whether a plane is horizontal or vertical.
-# Type: float
-3dr_config_plane_orientation_max_angle_tolerance = 5.0
-# Max valid depth distance in mm. Values strictly greater than the clipping distance are ignored.
-3dr_config_depth_clipping_distance = 5000
-# Recommended values: 5000 for dnn, 2000 for dfs
-# Source of depth map
-# Valid values:
-# depth : Depth Camera
-# tracking: Tracking camera
-# Type: string
-3dr_depth_source = tracking
-# Algorithm to create depth.
-# Valid values:
-# dfs: Depth from Stereo
-# dnn: Depth from Neural Network
-# Type: string
-# Note: This value will be ignored if 3dr_depth_source = depth
-3dr_depth_mode = dnn
-# Preferred 3DR frame rate. System load/performance may limit frame rate.
-3dr_depth_fps = 10
-#Data Capture Properties
-dcs_enabled = false
-# EVA/CVP 2.0+ dfs: Depth From Stereo
-# Depth and CVP output raster rearrange computation for dfs disparity output.
-# true: computation performed on DSP using Halide libraries (faster, low power)
-# false: computation performed on ARM CPU
-dfs_disparity_convert_on_dsp = false
-# Frequency of the sensors
-# IMU(accel and gyro) sensor frequency
-sensor_frequency_hz = 1000
-# Magnetometer sensor frequency
-magnetometer_frequency_hz = 100
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/356/1/65536/trinity_6dof_config.xml b/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/356/1/65536/trinity_6dof_config.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 164a42d..0000000
--- a/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/356/1/65536/trinity_6dof_config.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/415/0/131072/mtplahaina.txt b/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/415/0/131072/mtplahaina.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 945e614..0000000
--- a/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/415/0/131072/mtplahaina.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved
-# Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# Configuration parameters for qvr service Lahaina MTP device
-# Calibration data path
-# If device-specific calibration data is present in an alternate location
-# (typically one that wouldn't get wiped during a build update), specify
-# that path here and the VR service will attempt to load calibration data
-# from that path first before loading it from its default location.
-#calibration_path =
-# External Sensor related configurations
-#external_sensor_lib =
-# External Camera related configurations
-#external_camera_lib =
-# EyeTracking Plugin related configurations
-#plugin_eye_tracking_lib =
-# Controls how/when eye tracking is started/stopped:
-# "default" : eye tracking mode (enable/disable) must be set prior to
-# starting VR mode.
-# if enabled, eye tracking will start when VR mode is started.
-# if enabled, eye tracking will stop when VR mode is stopped.
-# "standalone" : eye tracking will start when eye tracking mode is enabled.
-# eye tracking will stop when eye tracking mode is disabled,
-# or when VR mode stops.
-#plugin_eye_tracking_operating_mode = default
-# Host controller Plugin related configurations
-#plugin_host_controller_lib = libqvr_hostcontroller_plugin.so
-# Tracker library
-6dof_tracker_lib = libtracker_6dof_skel_8350.so
-# Sensor orientation: default is: 1 2 3 (Android Portrait)
-# 1 represents x, 2 represents y and 3 represents z
-# The 3DOF and 6DOF tracking algorithms require IMU data
-# to be in Android Portrait orientation. If the device's
-# default orientation is *not* Android Portrait, these values
-# are used to convert from device orientation to Android
-# Portrait orientation.
-# For Android landscape sensor orientation, use 2 -1 3
-#sensor_orientation = 2 -1 3
-sensor_orientation = 1 2 3
-# tracking camera properties
-tracking_camera_id = 0
-tracking_camera_sensor = v4l_ov7251_stereo
-tracking_camera_driver = v4l2
-tracking_camera_res = 2560 960
-tracking_camera_quarter_res = 1280 480
-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-tracking_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-tracking_camera_auto_exposure = true
-tracking_camera_hvx_mode = false
-tracking_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-tracking_camera_master_only = false
-tracking_camera_control_protected = true
-tracking_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-tracking_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-tracking_camera_hvx_sensor = v4l_ov7251
-tracking_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-tracking_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-tracking_camera_default_resolution_mode = quarter
-tracking_camera_supported_formats = y8
-tracking_camera_default_frame_format = y8
-tracking_camera_gamma_blacklevel_cfg = 0.5:0
-# uvc-tracking camera properties
-uvc-tracking_camera_id = 1
-uvc-tracking_camera_sensor = v4l_ov9282_stereo
-uvc-tracking_camera_driver = v4l2
-uvc-tracking_camera_res = 1280 400
-uvc-tracking_camera_quarter_res = 1280 400
-uvc-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-uvc-tracking_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-uvc-tracking_camera_auto_exposure = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_hvx_mode = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-uvc-tracking_camera_master_only = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_control_protected = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-uvc-tracking_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-uvc-tracking_camera_hvx_sensor = v4l_ov9282
-uvc-tracking_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-uvc-tracking_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-uvc-tracking_camera_default_resolution_mode = full
-uvc-tracking_camera_supported_formats = y8
-uvc-tracking_camera_default_frame_format = y8
-# uvc-rgb-left camera properties
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_id = 2
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_sensor = v4l_ov8856
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_driver = v4l2
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_res = 1280 720
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_quarter_res = 1280 720
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_auto_exposure = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_hvx_mode = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_master_only = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_control_protected = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_hvx_sensor = v4l_ov8856
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_enable_yuv_ipe_bypass = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_default_resolution_mode = full
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_supported_formats = yuv420
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_default_frame_format = yuv420
-# uvc-rgb camera properties
-uvc-rgb_camera_id = 3
-uvc-rgb_camera_sensor = v4l_ov8856_stereo
-uvc-rgb_camera_driver = v4l2
-uvc-rgb_camera_calibration_name = rgb-left,rgb-right
-uvc-rgb_camera_res = 2560 720
-uvc-rgb_camera_quarter_res = 2560 720
-uvc-rgb_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-uvc-rgb_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-uvc-rgb_camera_auto_exposure = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_hvx_mode = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-uvc-rgb_camera_master_only = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_control_protected = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-uvc-rgb_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-uvc-rgb_camera_hvx_sensor = v4l_ov8856
-uvc-rgb_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-uvc-rgb_camera_enable_yuv_ipe_bypass = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-uvc-rgb_camera_default_resolution_mode = full
-uvc-rgb_camera_supported_formats = yuv420
-uvc-rgb_camera_default_frame_format = yuv420
-# 6dof pose logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-tracking_6dof_pose_logging_mode = disabled
-# the service will expose display interrupts to its clients from
-# /dev/graphics/fb[display_id] (default is fb0)
-#display_id = 0
-# vblank off delay
-disp_vblank_off_delay = 20
-# QVRService display lineptr interrupt is not supported on SM8150/SDM845
-# and later platforms. Set this config to true to handle linePtr interrupt by VSYNC
-# interrupt. This config only need to be enable to support apps built with older VR
-# SDKs that do not support using vsync callback via svrapi_config.txt.
-disp_lineptr_override_to_vsync = false
-#force to mag sensor based drift free 3dof
-#force_drift_free_3dof = true
-#Received mag sensor data should be in the range of Earth's magnetic field magnitude range (0.25 to 0.65 gauss)
-#if not, then either mag is not calibrated or indicates presence of external noise
-#use (0 0) to disable this checking
-mag_validity_range_gauss = 0.25 0.65
-# performance: thread_attributes<_optional soc id>
-# format -> [thread type]:[cpu performance level]>[sched_policy],[priority],[cpu_affinity];[cpu performance level]>[sched_policy],[priority],[cpu_affinity];
-# cpu_affinity is given as bit mask
-performance_thread_attributes = render:0>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xFF;1>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0;2>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0;3>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = warp:0>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xFF;1>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0;2>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0;3>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = controller:0>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xFF;1>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF;2>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0;3>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = normal:0>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xFF;1>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF;2>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0;3>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0
-# performance: hints for gpu and cpu levels
-# format -> [cpu_level gpu_level]:[hint id in powerhint.xml] [cpu_level gpu_level]:[hint id in powerhint.xml]
-# format -> [cpu_level gpu_level] - lower byte for gpu level and next higher byte for cpu_level. Max level 255
-performance_perf_hints = 0x0101:0x0000130A 0x0102:0x0000130B 0x0103:0x0000130C
-performance_perf_hints = 0x0201:0x0000130D 0x0202:0x0000130E 0x0203:0x0000130F
-performance_perf_hints = 0x0301:0x00001310 0x0302:0x00001311 0x0303:0x00001312
-# performance thermal rules to be enabled
-# format -> [thermal rule name]:[algo type]>[hardware type]
-performance_thermal_rules = QVR_Rule_G:monitor>gpu QVR_Rule_C:monitor>cpu
-# performance thermal interval in millisecond
-performance_thermal_interval_ms = 1000
-# performance thermal level in degrees celsius
-# format -> [thermal level name]:[temparature in celsius]
-performance_thermal_level_cpu = level1:40 level2:50 level3:60 level4:70
-performance_thermal_level_gpu = level1:30 level2:40 level3:50 level4:60
-# performance: temperature to temperature level mapping
-# format -> [hardware type]:[temperature]>[temperature level];[temperature]>[temperature level]
-performance_temp_levels = gpu:30000>1;32000>2;34000>3;36000>4 cpu:38000>1;41000>2;42000>3;43000>4
-# performance: thermal rule threshold index to mitigation actions mapping
-# format -> [thermal rule name]:[threshold index]>[mit_action1,mit_action2];[threshold index]>[mit_action1,mit_action2]
-# mit_actions: fpsup & fpsdown -> increase & decrease fps , resup & reddown -> increase & decrease eye buffer resolution
-performance_mitigation_actions = QVR_Rule_G:1>fpsdown,resup;2>fpsdown,resdown;3>fpsdown,resup;4>fpsup,resdown;5>fpsdown,resdown;6>fpsdown,resup;7>fpsup,resup QVR_Rule_C:1>fpsdown,resup;2>fpsup,resup
-# A hw_transform setting defines a physical transform between two hardware
-# components in the Android Portrait coordinate system. The format is as follows:
-# hw_transform = [from] [to] [4x3 float matrix]
-# The values of the matrix are in meters and are flattened as follows:
-# R00 R01 R02 T1
-# R10 R11 R12 T2 --> [ R00 R01 R02 T1 R10 R11 R12 T2 R20 R21 R22 T3 ]
-# R20 R21 R22 T3
-# Valid values for [from] and [to] are:
-# hmd = virtual HMD reference point
-# imu = IMU
-# eyeL = left eye tracking camera
-# eyeR = right eye tracking camera
-hw_transform = imu hmd 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.095 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-hw_transform = imu eyeL 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-hw_transform = imu eyeR 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-# Early initialization of the Tracker module
-6dof_tracker_early_init = false
-# Synchronizer config
-# sync_config_eye_pose options: 1=get_eye_pose 2=vsync
-# sync_config_tracker options: 1=get_frame 2=vsync
-# sync_config_rgb options: 1=get_frame 2=vsync
-#sync_config_eye_pose = 1
-#sync_config_tracker = 1
-#sync_config_rgb = 1
-# device mode definitions
-# default: same as standalone
-# standalone: all-in-one
-# host_simple: host for simple viewer
-# host_smart: host for smartviewer
-# smartviewer_remote: smartviewer warp-on-host
-# smartviewer_local: smartviewer warp-on-hmd
-device-mode = host_simple
-# When set to a non-zero value, the service's main thread will run at SCHED_FIFO
-# with the specified priority value.
-sched_prio = 0
-# QVR 3dof Tracker library
-qvr_3dof_tracker_lib = libqvr_3dof_tracker_skel.so
-# Tracker Helper Prediction - Holt Winter's algo (6dof headset pose prediction)
-gyro_alpha = 0.13
-gyro_beta = 0.50
-gyro_gamma = 0.01
-gyro_delta = 0.03
-gyro_epsilon = 1.0
-gyro_f1 = 1.1
-gyro_f2 = 1.1
-gyro_f3 = 5.0
-translation_alpha = 0.068
-translation_beta = 0.059
-translation_f1 = 1.021
-# Frequency of the sensors
-# IMU(accel and gyro) sensor frequency
-sensor_frequency_hz = 1000
-# Magnetometer sensor frequency
-magnetometer_frequency_hz = 100
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 164a42d..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
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diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/415/0/65536/mtplahaina.txt b/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/415/0/65536/mtplahaina.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3840120..0000000
--- a/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/415/0/65536/mtplahaina.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved
-# Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# Configuration parameters for qvr service Lahaina MTP device
-# Calibration data path
-# If device-specific calibration data is present in an alternate location
-# (typically one that wouldn't get wiped during a build update), specify
-# that path here and the VR service will attempt to load calibration data
-# from that path first before loading it from its default location.
-#calibration_path =
-# External Sensor related configurations
-#external_sensor_lib =
-# External Camera related configurations
-#external_camera_lib =
-# EyeTracking Plugin related configurations
-#plugin_eye_tracking_lib =
-# Host controller Plugin related configurations
-#plugin_host_controller_lib = libqvr_hostcontroller_plugin.so
-# Controls how/when eye tracking is started/stopped:
-# "default" : eye tracking mode (enable/disable) must be set prior to
-# starting VR mode.
-# if enabled, eye tracking will start when VR mode is started.
-# if enabled, eye tracking will stop when VR mode is stopped.
-# "standalone" : eye tracking will start when eye tracking mode is enabled.
-# eye tracking will stop when eye tracking mode is disabled,
-# or when VR mode stops.
-#plugin_eye_tracking_operating_mode = default
-# Tracker library
-6dof_tracker_lib = libtracker_6dof_skel_8350.so
-# Sensor orientation: default is: 1 2 3 (Android Portrait)
-# 1 represents x, 2 represents y and 3 represents z
-# The 3DOF and 6DOF tracking algorithms require IMU data
-# to be in Android Portrait orientation. If the device's
-# default orientation is *not* Android Portrait, these values
-# are used to convert from device orientation to Android
-# Portrait orientation.
-# For Android landscape sensor orientation, use 2 -1 3
-#sensor_orientation = 2 -1 3
-sensor_orientation = 1 2 3
-# tracking camera properties
-tracking_camera_id = 0
-tracking_camera_sensor = v4l_ov7251_stereo
-tracking_camera_driver = v4l2
-tracking_camera_res = 2560 960
-tracking_camera_quarter_res = 1280 480
-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-tracking_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-tracking_camera_auto_exposure = true
-tracking_camera_hvx_mode = false
-tracking_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-tracking_camera_master_only = false
-tracking_camera_control_protected = true
-tracking_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-tracking_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-tracking_camera_hvx_sensor = v4l_ov7251
-tracking_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-tracking_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-tracking_camera_default_resolution_mode = quarter
-tracking_camera_supported_formats = y8
-tracking_camera_default_frame_format = y8
-tracking_camera_gamma_blacklevel_cfg = 0.5:0
-# uvc-tracking camera properties
-uvc-tracking_camera_id = 1
-uvc-tracking_camera_sensor = v4l_ov9282_stereo
-uvc-tracking_camera_driver = v4l2
-uvc-tracking_camera_res = 1280 400
-uvc-tracking_camera_quarter_res = 1280 400
-uvc-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-uvc-tracking_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-uvc-tracking_camera_auto_exposure = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_hvx_mode = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-uvc-tracking_camera_master_only = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_control_protected = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-uvc-tracking_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-uvc-tracking_camera_hvx_sensor = v4l_ov9282
-uvc-tracking_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-uvc-tracking_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-uvc-tracking_camera_default_resolution_mode = full
-uvc-tracking_camera_supported_formats = y8
-uvc-tracking_camera_default_frame_format = y8
-# uvc-rgb-left camera properties
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_id = 2
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_sensor = v4l_ov8856
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_driver = v4l2
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_res = 1280 720
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_quarter_res = 1280 720
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_auto_exposure = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_hvx_mode = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_master_only = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_control_protected = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_hvx_sensor = v4l_ov8856
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_enable_yuv_ipe_bypass = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_default_resolution_mode = full
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_supported_formats = yuv420
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_default_frame_format = yuv420
-# uvc-rgb camera properties
-uvc-rgb_camera_id = 3
-uvc-rgb_camera_sensor = v4l_ov8856_stereo
-uvc-rgb_camera_driver = v4l2
-uvc-rgb_camera_calibration_name = rgb-left,rgb-right
-uvc-rgb_camera_res = 2560 720
-uvc-rgb_camera_quarter_res = 2560 720
-uvc-rgb_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-uvc-rgb_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-uvc-rgb_camera_auto_exposure = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_hvx_mode = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-uvc-rgb_camera_master_only = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_control_protected = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-uvc-rgb_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-uvc-rgb_camera_hvx_sensor = v4l_ov8856
-uvc-rgb_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-uvc-rgb_camera_enable_yuv_ipe_bypass = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-uvc-rgb_camera_default_resolution_mode = full
-uvc-rgb_camera_supported_formats = yuv420
-uvc-rgb_camera_default_frame_format = yuv420
-# 6dof pose logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-tracking_6dof_pose_logging_mode = disabled
-# the service will expose display interrupts to its clients from
-# /dev/graphics/fb[display_id] (default is fb0)
-#display_id = 0
-# vblank off delay
-disp_vblank_off_delay = 20
-# QVRService display lineptr interrupt is not supported on SM8150/SDM845
-# and later platforms. Set this config to true to handle linePtr interrupt by VSYNC
-# interrupt. This config only need to be enable to support apps built with older VR
-# SDKs that do not support using vsync callback via svrapi_config.txt.
-disp_lineptr_override_to_vsync = false
-#force to mag sensor based drift free 3dof
-#force_drift_free_3dof = true
-#Received mag sensor data should be in the range of Earth's magnetic field magnitude range (0.25 to 0.65 gauss)
-#if not, then either mag is not calibrated or indicates presence of external noise
-#use (0 0) to disable this checking
-mag_validity_range_gauss = 0.25 0.65
-# performance: thread_attributes<_optional soc id>
-# format -> [thread type]:[cpu performance level]>[sched_policy],[priority],[cpu_affinity];[cpu performance level]>[sched_policy],[priority],[cpu_affinity];
-# cpu_affinity is given as bit mask
-performance_thread_attributes = render:0>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xFF;1>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0;2>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0;3>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = warp:0>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xFF;1>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0;2>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0;3>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = controller:0>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xFF;1>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF;2>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0;3>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = normal:0>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xFF;1>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF;2>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0;3>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0
-# performance: hints for gpu and cpu levels
-# format -> [cpu_level gpu_level]:[hint id in powerhint.xml] [cpu_level gpu_level]:[hint id in powerhint.xml]
-# format -> [cpu_level gpu_level] - lower byte for gpu level and next higher byte for cpu_level. Max level 255
-performance_perf_hints = 0x0101:0x0000130A 0x0102:0x0000130B 0x0103:0x0000130C
-performance_perf_hints = 0x0201:0x0000130D 0x0202:0x0000130E 0x0203:0x0000130F
-performance_perf_hints = 0x0301:0x00001310 0x0302:0x00001311 0x0303:0x00001312
-# performance thermal rules to be enabled
-# format -> [thermal rule name]:[algo type]>[hardware type]
-performance_thermal_rules = QVR_Rule_G:monitor>gpu QVR_Rule_C:monitor>cpu
-# performance thermal interval in millisecond
-performance_thermal_interval_ms = 1000
-# performance thermal level in degrees celsius
-# format -> [thermal level name]:[temparature in celsius]
-performance_thermal_level_cpu = level1:40 level2:50 level3:60 level4:70
-performance_thermal_level_gpu = level1:30 level2:40 level3:50 level4:60
-# performance: temperature to temperature level mapping
-# format -> [hardware type]:[temperature]>[temperature level];[temperature]>[temperature level]
-performance_temp_levels = gpu:30000>1;32000>2;34000>3;36000>4 cpu:38000>1;41000>2;42000>3;43000>4
-# performance: thermal rule threshold index to mitigation actions mapping
-# format -> [thermal rule name]:[threshold index]>[mit_action1,mit_action2];[threshold index]>[mit_action1,mit_action2]
-# mit_actions: fpsup & fpsdown -> increase & decrease fps , resup & reddown -> increase & decrease eye buffer resolution
-performance_mitigation_actions = QVR_Rule_G:1>fpsdown,resup;2>fpsdown,resdown;3>fpsdown,resup;4>fpsup,resdown;5>fpsdown,resdown;6>fpsdown,resup;7>fpsup,resup QVR_Rule_C:1>fpsdown,resup;2>fpsup,resup
-# A hw_transform setting defines a physical transform between two hardware
-# components in the Android Portrait coordinate system. The format is as follows:
-# hw_transform = [from] [to] [4x3 float matrix]
-# The values of the matrix are in meters and are flattened as follows:
-# R00 R01 R02 T1
-# R10 R11 R12 T2 --> [ R00 R01 R02 T1 R10 R11 R12 T2 R20 R21 R22 T3 ]
-# R20 R21 R22 T3
-# Valid values for [from] and [to] are:
-# hmd = virtual HMD reference point
-# imu = IMU
-# eyeL = left eye tracking camera
-# eyeR = right eye tracking camera
-hw_transform = imu hmd 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.095 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-hw_transform = imu eyeL 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-hw_transform = imu eyeR 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-# Early initialization of the Tracker module
-6dof_tracker_early_init = false
-# Synchronizer config
-# sync_config_eye_pose options: 1=get_eye_pose 2=vsync
-# sync_config_tracker options: 1=get_frame 2=vsync
-# sync_config_rgb options: 1=get_frame 2=vsync
-#sync_config_eye_pose = 1
-#sync_config_tracker = 1
-#sync_config_rgb = 1
-# device mode definitions
-# default: same as standalone
-# standalone: all-in-one
-# host_simple: host for simple viewer
-# host_smart: host for smartviewer
-# smartviewer_remote: smartviewer warp-on-host
-# smartviewer_local: smartviewer warp-on-hmd
-device-mode = host_simple
-# When set to a non-zero value, the service's main thread will run at SCHED_FIFO
-# with the specified priority value.
-sched_prio = 0
-# QVR 3dof Tracker library
-qvr_3dof_tracker_lib = libqvr_3dof_tracker_skel.so
-# Tracker Helper Prediction - Holt Winter's algo (6dof headset pose prediction)
-gyro_alpha = 0.13
-gyro_beta = 0.50
-gyro_gamma = 0.01
-gyro_delta = 0.03
-gyro_epsilon = 1.0
-gyro_f1 = 1.1
-gyro_f2 = 1.1
-gyro_f3 = 5.0
-translation_alpha = 0.068
-translation_beta = 0.059
-translation_f1 = 1.021
-# Frequency of the sensors
-# IMU(accel and gyro) sensor frequency
-sensor_frequency_hz = 1000
-# Magnetometer sensor frequency
-magnetometer_frequency_hz = 100
\ No newline at end of file
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index 164a42d..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
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diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/457/0/65536/mtpwaipio.txt b/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/457/0/65536/mtpwaipio.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a79b183..0000000
--- a/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/457/0/65536/mtpwaipio.txt
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@@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# Configuration parameters for qvr service Waipio MTP device
-# Calibration data path
-# If device-specific calibration data is present in an alternate location
-# (typically one that wouldn't get wiped during a build update), specify
-# that path here and the VR service will attempt to load calibration data
-# from that path first before loading it from its default location.
-#calibration_path =
-# External Sensor related configurations
-#external_sensor_lib =
-# External Camera related configurations
-#external_camera_lib =
-# EyeTracking Plugin related configurations
-#plugin_eye_tracking_lib =
-# Host controller Plugin related configurations
-#plugin_host_controller_lib = libqvr_hostcontroller_plugin.so
-# Controls how/when eye tracking is started/stopped:
-# "default" : eye tracking mode (enable/disable) must be set prior to
-# starting VR mode.
-# if enabled, eye tracking will start when VR mode is started.
-# if enabled, eye tracking will stop when VR mode is stopped.
-# "standalone" : eye tracking will start when eye tracking mode is enabled.
-# eye tracking will stop when eye tracking mode is disabled,
-# or when VR mode stops.
-#plugin_eye_tracking_operating_mode = default
-# Tracker library
-6dof_tracker_lib = libtracker_6dof_skel_8450.so
-# Sensor orientation: default is: 1 2 3 (Android Portrait)
-# 1 represents x, 2 represents y and 3 represents z
-# The 3DOF and 6DOF tracking algorithms require IMU data
-# to be in Android Portrait orientation. If the device's
-# default orientation is *not* Android Portrait, these values
-# are used to convert from device orientation to Android
-# Portrait orientation.
-# For Android landscape sensor orientation, use 2 -1 3
-#sensor_orientation = 2 -1 3
-sensor_orientation = 1 2 3
-# tracking camera properties
-tracking_camera_id = 0
-tracking_camera_sensor = v4l_ov7251_stereo
-tracking_camera_driver = v4l2
-tracking_camera_res = 2560 960
-tracking_camera_quarter_res = 1280 480
-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-tracking_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-tracking_camera_auto_exposure = true
-tracking_camera_hvx_mode = false
-tracking_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-tracking_camera_master_only = false
-tracking_camera_control_protected = true
-tracking_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-tracking_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-tracking_camera_hvx_sensor = v4l_ov7251
-tracking_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-tracking_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-tracking_camera_default_resolution_mode = quarter
-tracking_camera_supported_formats = y8
-tracking_camera_default_frame_format = y8
-tracking_camera_gamma_blacklevel_cfg = 0.5:0
-# uvc-tracking camera properties
-uvc-tracking_camera_id = 1
-uvc-tracking_camera_sensor = v4l_ov9282_stereo
-uvc-tracking_camera_driver = v4l2
-uvc-tracking_camera_res = 1280 400
-uvc-tracking_camera_quarter_res = 1280 400
-uvc-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-uvc-tracking_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-uvc-tracking_camera_auto_exposure = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_hvx_mode = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-uvc-tracking_camera_master_only = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_control_protected = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-uvc-tracking_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-uvc-tracking_camera_hvx_sensor = v4l_ov9282
-uvc-tracking_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-uvc-tracking_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-uvc-tracking_camera_default_resolution_mode = full
-uvc-tracking_camera_supported_formats = y8 depth16 yuyv mjpeg
-uvc-tracking_camera_default_frame_format = y8
-# wireless-tracking camera properties
-wireless-tracking_camera_id = 1
-wireless-tracking_camera_sensor = wl_ov9282_stereo
-wireless-tracking_camera_driver = wireless
-wireless-tracking_camera_res = 1280 400 30 30
-wireless-tracking_camera_quarter_res = 1280 400 30 30
-wireless-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-wireless-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-wireless-tracking_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-wireless-tracking_camera_auto_exposure = false
-wireless-tracking_camera_hvx_mode = false
-wireless-tracking_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-wireless-tracking_camera_master_only = false
-wireless-tracking_camera_control_protected = false
-wireless-tracking_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-wireless-tracking_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-wireless-tracking_camera_hvx_sensor = v4l_ov9282
-wireless-tracking_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-wireless-tracking_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-wireless-tracking_camera_default_resolution_mode = full
-wireless-tracking_camera_supported_formats = y8 depth16
-wireless-tracking_camera_default_frame_format = y8
-# uvc-rgb-left camera properties
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_id = 2
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_sensor = v4l_ov8856
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_driver = v4l2
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_res = 1280 720
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_quarter_res = 1280 720
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_auto_exposure = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_hvx_mode = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_master_only = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_control_protected = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_hvx_sensor = v4l_ov8856
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_enable_yuv_ipe_bypass = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_default_resolution_mode = full
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_supported_formats = yuv420 yuyv mjpeg
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_default_frame_format = yuv420
-# wireless-rgb-left camera properties
-wireless-rgb-left_camera_id = 2
-wireless-rgb-left_camera_sensor = wl_ov8856
-wireless-rgb-left_camera_driver = wireless
-wireless-rgb-left_camera_res = 1280 720 30 30
-wireless-rgb-left_camera_quarter_res = 1280 720 30 30
-wireless-rgb-left_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-wireless-rgb-left_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-wireless-rgb-left_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-wireless-rgb-left_camera_auto_exposure = false
-wireless-rgb-left_camera_hvx_mode = false
-wireless-rgb-left_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-wireless-rgb-left_camera_master_only = false
-wireless-rgb-left_camera_control_protected = false
-wireless-rgb-left_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-wireless-rgb-left_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-wireless-rgb-left_camera_hvx_sensor = v4l_ov8856
-wireless-rgb-left_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-wireless-rgb-left_camera_enable_yuv_ipe_bypass = false
-wireless-rgb-left_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-wireless-rgb-left_camera_default_resolution_mode = full
-wireless-rgb-left_camera_supported_formats = yuv420
-wireless-rgb-left_camera_default_frame_format = yuv420
-# uvc-rgb camera properties
-uvc-rgb_camera_id = 3
-uvc-rgb_camera_sensor = v4l_ov8856_stereo
-uvc-rgb_camera_driver = v4l2
-uvc-rgb_camera_calibration_name = rgb-left,rgb-right
-uvc-rgb_camera_res = 2560 720
-uvc-rgb_camera_quarter_res = 2560 720
-uvc-rgb_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-uvc-rgb_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-uvc-rgb_camera_auto_exposure = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_hvx_mode = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-uvc-rgb_camera_master_only = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_control_protected = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-uvc-rgb_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-uvc-rgb_camera_hvx_sensor = v4l_ov8856
-uvc-rgb_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-uvc-rgb_camera_enable_yuv_ipe_bypass = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-uvc-rgb_camera_default_resolution_mode = full
-uvc-rgb_camera_supported_formats = yuv420
-uvc-rgb_camera_default_frame_format = yuv420
-# 6dof pose logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-tracking_6dof_pose_logging_mode = disabled
-# the service will expose display interrupts to its clients from
-# /dev/graphics/fb[display_id] (default is fb0)
-#display_id = 0
-# vblank off delay
-disp_vblank_off_delay = 20
-# QVRService display lineptr interrupt is not supported on SM8150/SDM845
-# and later platforms. Set this config to true to handle linePtr interrupt by VSYNC
-# interrupt. This config only need to be enable to support apps built with older VR
-# SDKs that do not support using vsync callback via svrapi_config.txt.
-disp_lineptr_override_to_vsync = false
-#force to mag sensor based drift free 3dof
-#force_drift_free_3dof = true
-#Received mag sensor data should be in the range of Earth's magnetic field magnitude range (0.25 to 0.65 gauss)
-#if not, then either mag is not calibrated or indicates presence of external noise
-#use (0 0) to disable this checking
-mag_validity_range_gauss = 0.25 0.65
-# performance: thread_attributes<_optional soc id>
-# format -> [thread type]:[cpu performance level]>[sched_policy],[priority],[cpu_affinity];[cpu performance level]>[sched_policy],[priority],[cpu_affinity];
-# cpu_affinity is given as bit mask
-performance_thread_attributes = render:0>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xFF;1>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0;2>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0;3>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = warp:0>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xFF;1>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0;2>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0;3>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = controller:0>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xFF;1>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF;2>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0;3>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = normal:0>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xFF;1>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF;2>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0;3>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0
-# performance: hints for gpu and cpu levels
-# format -> [cpu_level gpu_level]:[hint id in powerhint.xml] [cpu_level gpu_level]:[hint id in powerhint.xml]
-# format -> [cpu_level gpu_level] - lower byte for gpu level and next higher byte for cpu_level. Max level 255
-performance_perf_hints = 0x0101:0x0000130A 0x0102:0x0000130B 0x0103:0x0000130C
-performance_perf_hints = 0x0201:0x0000130D 0x0202:0x0000130E 0x0203:0x0000130F
-performance_perf_hints = 0x0301:0x00001310 0x0302:0x00001311 0x0303:0x00001312
-# performance thermal rules to be enabled
-# format -> [thermal rule name]:[algo type]>[hardware type]
-performance_thermal_rules = QVR_Rule_G:monitor>gpu QVR_Rule_C:monitor>cpu QVR_Rule_S:monitor>skin
-# performance thermal interval in millisecond
-performance_thermal_interval_ms = 1000
-# performance thermal level in degrees celsius
-# format -> [thermal level name]:[temparature in celsius]
-performance_thermal_level_cpu = level1:40 level2:50 level3:60 level4:70
-performance_thermal_level_gpu = level1:30 level2:40 level3:50 level4:60
-performance_thermal_level_skin = level1:35 level2:40 level3:45 level4:50
-# performance: temperature to temperature level mapping
-# format -> [hardware type]:[temperature]>[temperature level];[temperature]>[temperature level]
-performance_temp_levels = gpu:30000>1;32000>2;34000>3;36000>4 cpu:38000>1;41000>2;42000>3;43000>4
-# performance: thermal rule threshold index to mitigation actions mapping
-# format -> [thermal rule name]:[threshold index]>[mit_action1,mit_action2];[threshold index]>[mit_action1,mit_action2]
-# mit_actions: fpsup & fpsdown -> increase & decrease fps , resup & reddown -> increase & decrease eye buffer resolution
-performance_mitigation_actions = QVR_Rule_G:1>fpsup,resup;2>fpsup,resdown;3>fpsdown,resup;4>fpsdown,resdown QVR_Rule_C:1>fpsup,resup;2>fpsup,resdown;3>fpsdown,resup;4>fpsdown,resdown QVR_Rule_S:1>fpsup,resup;2>fpsup,resdown;3>fpsdown,resup;4>fpsdown,resdown
-# A hw_transform setting defines a physical transform between two hardware
-# components in the Android Portrait coordinate system. The format is as follows:
-# hw_transform = [from] [to] [4x3 float matrix]
-# The values of the matrix are in meters and are flattened as follows:
-# R00 R01 R02 T1
-# R10 R11 R12 T2 --> [ R00 R01 R02 T1 R10 R11 R12 T2 R20 R21 R22 T3 ]
-# R20 R21 R22 T3
-# Valid values for [from] and [to] are:
-# hmd = virtual HMD reference point
-# imu = IMU
-# eyeL = left eye tracking camera
-# eyeR = right eye tracking camera
-hw_transform = imu hmd 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.095 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-hw_transform = imu eyeL 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-hw_transform = imu eyeR 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-# Early initialization of the Tracker module
-6dof_tracker_early_init = false
-# Synchronizer config
-# sync_config_eye_pose options: 1=get_eye_pose 2=vsync
-# sync_config_tracker options: 1=get_frame 2=vsync
-# sync_config_rgb options: 1=get_frame 2=vsync
-#sync_config_eye_pose = 1
-#sync_config_tracker = 1
-#sync_config_rgb = 1
-# device mode definitions
-# default: same as standalone
-# standalone: all-in-one
-# host_simple: host for simple viewer
-# host_smart: host for smartviewer
-# smartviewer_remote: smartviewer warp-on-host
-# smartviewer_local: smartviewer warp-on-hmd
-device-mode = host_smart
-# When set to a non-zero value, the service's main thread will run at SCHED_FIFO
-# with the specified priority value.
-sched_prio = 0
-# QVR 3dof Tracker library
-qvr_3dof_tracker_lib = libqvr_3dof_tracker_skel.so
-# Tracker Helper Prediction - Holt Winter's algo (6dof headset pose prediction)
-gyro_alpha = 0.13
-gyro_beta = 0.50
-gyro_gamma = 0.01
-gyro_delta = 0.03
-gyro_epsilon = 1.0
-gyro_f1 = 1.1
-gyro_f2 = 1.1
-gyro_f3 = 5.0
-translation_alpha = 0.068
-translation_beta = 0.059
-translation_f1 = 1.021
-# Depth Estimation Model Path
-depth_model_path = /vendor/etc/qvr/depth_model.dlc
-# 3D Reconstruction
-3dr_enabled = false
-# Size of the samples stored in the 3D reconstruction in meters.
-# Type: float
-# Suggested Value: 0.01 to 0.1 meter
-3dr_config_sample_distance = 0.05
-# Size of the samples stored in the 3D reconstruction in meters.
-# Type: float
-# Suggested Value: At least 5 * 3dr_config_sample_distance
-3dr_config_integration_distance = 0.25
-# Max std error acceptable for a fitted/merged plane in meters.
-# Type: float
-# Suggested Value: 3dr_config_sample_distance * 5
-3dr_config_plane_detection_max_std_error = 0.25
-# Max angular error acceptable for a merged plane in radians.
-# Type: float
-# Suggested Value: 0.2 radians
-3dr_config_plane_detection_max_angle_error = 0.2
-# Number of iterations for the plane refinement algorithm.
-# Type: unsigned integer
-# Suggested Value: 5
-3dr_config_plane_detection_l1_fitting_iterations = 5
-# Alpha value in shape plane contour extraction algorithm. Set to zero for convex hull.
-# Type: float
-3dr_config_plane_detection_alpha = 0
-# Max angle tolerance to determine whether a plane is horizontal or vertical.
-# Type: float
-3dr_config_plane_orientation_max_angle_tolerance = 5.0
-# Max valid depth distance in mm. Values strictly greater than the clipping distance are ignored.
-# Recommended values: 5000 for dnn, 2000 for dfs
-3dr_config_depth_clipping_distance = 5000
-# Source of depth map
-# Valid values:
-# depth : Depth Camera
-# tracking: Tracking camera
-# Type: string
-3dr_depth_source = uvc-tracking
-# Algorithm to create depth.
-# Valid values:
-# dfs: Depth from Stereo
-# dnn: Depth from Neural Network
-# Type: string
-# Note: This value will be ignored if 3dr_depth_source = depth
-3dr_depth_mode = dnn
-# Preferred 3DR frame rate. System load/performance may limit frame rate.
-3dr_depth_fps = 10
-# Remote device parameters
-#remote_device_interface_name = wlan2
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/457/0/65536/mtpwaipio_6dof_config.xml b/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/457/0/65536/mtpwaipio_6dof_config.xml
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-# Copyright (c) 2021 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# Configuration parameters for qvr 3dof tracker
-############ Adjustable parameters default values for AHRS sensor fusion algorithm ######################
-# 2 * proportional gain
-ahrs_twoKpDef = 0.2
-# 2 * proportional gain used during initialization
-ahrs_twoKpInitDef = 20.0
-# initialisation period in seconds
-ahrs_initPeriodDef = 1.0
-########## tunable MAG params ##################
-# number of mag frames
-num_frames_till_mag_stabilizes = 2500
-# number of mag frames
-count_to_validate_threshold = 20
-head_stabilized_threshold = 0.3
-high_wt_mag = 5.0
-low_wt_mag = 0.2
-wt_adjust_slope = 0.6
-yaw_correction_smooth_factor = 0.01
\ No newline at end of file
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-# Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# Configuration parameters for qvr service Waipio MTP device
-# Calibration data path
-# If device-specific calibration data is present in an alternate location
-# (typically one that wouldn't get wiped during a build update), specify
-# that path here and the VR service will attempt to load calibration data
-# from that path first before loading it from its default location.
-#calibration_path =
-# External Sensor related configurations
-#external_sensor_lib =
-# External Camera related configurations
-#external_camera_lib =
-# EyeTracking Plugin related configurations
-#plugin_eye_tracking_lib =
-# Host controller Plugin related configurations
-#plugin_host_controller_lib = libqvr_hostcontroller_plugin.so
-# Controls how/when eye tracking is started/stopped:
-# "default" : eye tracking mode (enable/disable) must be set prior to
-# starting VR mode.
-# if enabled, eye tracking will start when VR mode is started.
-# if enabled, eye tracking will stop when VR mode is stopped.
-# "standalone" : eye tracking will start when eye tracking mode is enabled.
-# eye tracking will stop when eye tracking mode is disabled,
-# or when VR mode stops.
-#plugin_eye_tracking_operating_mode = default
-# Tracker library
-6dof_tracker_lib = libtracker_6dof_skel_8450.so
-# Sensor orientation: default is: 1 2 3 (Android Portrait)
-# 1 represents x, 2 represents y and 3 represents z
-# The 3DOF and 6DOF tracking algorithms require IMU data
-# to be in Android Portrait orientation. If the device's
-# default orientation is *not* Android Portrait, these values
-# are used to convert from device orientation to Android
-# Portrait orientation.
-# For Android landscape sensor orientation, use 2 -1 3
-#sensor_orientation = 2 -1 3
-sensor_orientation = 1 2 3
-# tracking camera properties
-tracking_camera_id = 0
-tracking_camera_sensor = v4l_ov7251_stereo
-tracking_camera_driver = v4l2
-tracking_camera_res = 2560 960
-tracking_camera_quarter_res = 1280 480
-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-tracking_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-tracking_camera_auto_exposure = true
-tracking_camera_hvx_mode = false
-tracking_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-tracking_camera_master_only = false
-tracking_camera_control_protected = true
-tracking_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-tracking_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-tracking_camera_hvx_sensor = v4l_ov7251
-tracking_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-tracking_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-tracking_camera_default_resolution_mode = quarter
-tracking_camera_supported_formats = y8
-tracking_camera_default_frame_format = y8
-tracking_camera_gamma_blacklevel_cfg = 0.5:0
-# uvc-tracking camera properties
-uvc-tracking_camera_id = 1
-uvc-tracking_camera_sensor = v4l_ov9282_stereo
-uvc-tracking_camera_driver = v4l2
-uvc-tracking_camera_res = 1280 400
-uvc-tracking_camera_quarter_res = 1280 400
-uvc-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-uvc-tracking_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-uvc-tracking_camera_auto_exposure = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_hvx_mode = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-uvc-tracking_camera_master_only = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_control_protected = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-uvc-tracking_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-uvc-tracking_camera_hvx_sensor = v4l_ov9282
-uvc-tracking_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-uvc-tracking_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-uvc-tracking_camera_default_resolution_mode = full
-uvc-tracking_camera_supported_formats = y8 depth16 yuyv mjpeg
-uvc-tracking_camera_default_frame_format = y8
-# uvc-rgb-left camera properties
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_id = 2
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_sensor = v4l_ov8856
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_driver = v4l2
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_res = 1280 720
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_quarter_res = 1280 720
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_auto_exposure = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_hvx_mode = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_master_only = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_control_protected = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_hvx_sensor = v4l_ov8856
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_enable_yuv_ipe_bypass = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_default_resolution_mode = full
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_supported_formats = yuv420 yuyv mjpeg
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_default_frame_format = yuv420
-# uvc-rgb camera properties
-uvc-rgb_camera_id = 3
-uvc-rgb_camera_sensor = v4l_ov8856_stereo
-uvc-rgb_camera_driver = v4l2
-uvc-rgb_camera_calibration_name = rgb-left,rgb-right
-uvc-rgb_camera_res = 2560 720
-uvc-rgb_camera_quarter_res = 2560 720
-uvc-rgb_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-uvc-rgb_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-uvc-rgb_camera_auto_exposure = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_hvx_mode = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-uvc-rgb_camera_master_only = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_control_protected = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-uvc-rgb_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-uvc-rgb_camera_hvx_sensor = v4l_ov8856
-uvc-rgb_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-uvc-rgb_camera_enable_yuv_ipe_bypass = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-uvc-rgb_camera_default_resolution_mode = full
-uvc-rgb_camera_supported_formats = yuv420
-uvc-rgb_camera_default_frame_format = yuv420
-# 6dof pose logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-tracking_6dof_pose_logging_mode = disabled
-# the service will expose display interrupts to its clients from
-# /dev/graphics/fb[display_id] (default is fb0)
-#display_id = 0
-# vblank off delay
-disp_vblank_off_delay = 20
-# QVRService display lineptr interrupt is not supported on SM8150/SDM845
-# and later platforms. Set this config to true to handle linePtr interrupt by VSYNC
-# interrupt. This config only need to be enable to support apps built with older VR
-# SDKs that do not support using vsync callback via svrapi_config.txt.
-disp_lineptr_override_to_vsync = false
-#force to mag sensor based drift free 3dof
-#force_drift_free_3dof = true
-#Received mag sensor data should be in the range of Earth's magnetic field magnitude range (0.25 to 0.65 gauss)
-#if not, then either mag is not calibrated or indicates presence of external noise
-#use (0 0) to disable this checking
-mag_validity_range_gauss = 0.25 0.65
-# performance: thread_attributes<_optional soc id>
-# format -> [thread type]:[cpu performance level]>[sched_policy],[priority],[cpu_affinity];[cpu performance level]>[sched_policy],[priority],[cpu_affinity];
-# cpu_affinity is given as bit mask
-performance_thread_attributes = render:0>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xFF;1>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0;2>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0;3>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = warp:0>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xFF;1>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0;2>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0;3>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = controller:0>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xFF;1>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF;2>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0;3>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = normal:0>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xFF;1>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF;2>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0;3>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0
-# performance: hints for gpu and cpu levels
-# format -> [cpu_level gpu_level]:[hint id in powerhint.xml] [cpu_level gpu_level]:[hint id in powerhint.xml]
-# format -> [cpu_level gpu_level] - lower byte for gpu level and next higher byte for cpu_level. Max level 255
-performance_perf_hints = 0x0101:0x0000130A 0x0102:0x0000130B 0x0103:0x0000130C
-performance_perf_hints = 0x0201:0x0000130D 0x0202:0x0000130E 0x0203:0x0000130F
-performance_perf_hints = 0x0301:0x00001310 0x0302:0x00001311 0x0303:0x00001312
-# performance thermal rules to be enabled
-# format -> [thermal rule name]:[algo type]>[hardware type]
-performance_thermal_rules = QVR_Rule_G:monitor>gpu QVR_Rule_C:monitor>cpu
-# performance thermal interval in millisecond
-performance_thermal_interval_ms = 1000
-# performance thermal level in degrees celsius
-# format -> [thermal level name]:[temparature in celsius]
-performance_thermal_level_cpu = level1:40 level2:50 level3:60 level4:70
-performance_thermal_level_gpu = level1:30 level2:40 level3:50 level4:60
-# performance: temperature to temperature level mapping
-# format -> [hardware type]:[temperature]>[temperature level];[temperature]>[temperature level]
-performance_temp_levels = gpu:30000>1;32000>2;34000>3;36000>4 cpu:38000>1;41000>2;42000>3;43000>4
-# performance: thermal rule threshold index to mitigation actions mapping
-# format -> [thermal rule name]:[threshold index]>[mit_action1,mit_action2];[threshold index]>[mit_action1,mit_action2]
-# mit_actions: fpsup & fpsdown -> increase & decrease fps , resup & reddown -> increase & decrease eye buffer resolution
-performance_mitigation_actions = QVR_Rule_G:1>fpsdown,resup;2>fpsdown,resdown;3>fpsdown,resup;4>fpsup,resdown;5>fpsdown,resdown;6>fpsdown,resup;7>fpsup,resup QVR_Rule_C:1>fpsdown,resup;2>fpsup,resup
-# A hw_transform setting defines a physical transform between two hardware
-# components in the Android Portrait coordinate system. The format is as follows:
-# hw_transform = [from] [to] [4x3 float matrix]
-# The values of the matrix are in meters and are flattened as follows:
-# R00 R01 R02 T1
-# R10 R11 R12 T2 --> [ R00 R01 R02 T1 R10 R11 R12 T2 R20 R21 R22 T3 ]
-# R20 R21 R22 T3
-# Valid values for [from] and [to] are:
-# hmd = virtual HMD reference point
-# imu = IMU
-# eyeL = left eye tracking camera
-# eyeR = right eye tracking camera
-hw_transform = imu hmd 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.095 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-hw_transform = imu eyeL 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-hw_transform = imu eyeR 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-# Early initialization of the Tracker module
-6dof_tracker_early_init = false
-# Synchronizer config
-# sync_config_eye_pose options: 1=get_eye_pose 2=vsync
-# sync_config_tracker options: 1=get_frame 2=vsync
-# sync_config_rgb options: 1=get_frame 2=vsync
-#sync_config_eye_pose = 1
-#sync_config_tracker = 1
-#sync_config_rgb = 1
-# device mode definitions
-# default: same as standalone
-# standalone: all-in-one
-# host_simple: host for simple viewer
-# host_smart: host for smartviewer
-# smartviewer_remote: smartviewer warp-on-host
-# smartviewer_local: smartviewer warp-on-hmd
-device-mode = host_smart
-# When set to a non-zero value, the service's main thread will run at SCHED_FIFO
-# with the specified priority value.
-sched_prio = 0
-# QVR 3dof Tracker library
-qvr_3dof_tracker_lib = libqvr_3dof_tracker_skel.so
-# Tracker Helper Prediction - Holt Winter's algo (6dof headset pose prediction)
-gyro_alpha = 0.13
-gyro_beta = 0.50
-gyro_gamma = 0.01
-gyro_delta = 0.03
-gyro_epsilon = 1.0
-gyro_f1 = 1.1
-gyro_f2 = 1.1
-gyro_f3 = 5.0
-translation_alpha = 0.068
-translation_beta = 0.059
-translation_f1 = 1.021
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/457/0/65537/mtpwaipio_6dof_config.xml b/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/457/0/65537/mtpwaipio_6dof_config.xml
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-# Copyright (c) 2021 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# Configuration parameters for qvr 3dof tracker
-############ Adjustable parameters default values for AHRS sensor fusion algorithm ######################
-# 2 * proportional gain
-ahrs_twoKpDef = 0.2
-# 2 * proportional gain used during initialization
-ahrs_twoKpInitDef = 20.0
-# initialisation period in seconds
-ahrs_initPeriodDef = 1.0
-########## tunable MAG params ##################
-# number of mag frames
-num_frames_till_mag_stabilizes = 2500
-# number of mag frames
-count_to_validate_threshold = 20
-head_stabilized_threshold = 0.3
-high_wt_mag = 5.0
-low_wt_mag = 0.2
-wt_adjust_slope = 0.6
-yaw_correction_smooth_factor = 0.01
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index b9b4133..0000000
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-# Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# Configuration parameters for qvr service Waipio MTP device
-# Calibration data path
-# If device-specific calibration data is present in an alternate location
-# (typically one that wouldn't get wiped during a build update), specify
-# that path here and the VR service will attempt to load calibration data
-# from that path first before loading it from its default location.
-#calibration_path =
-# External Sensor related configurations
-#external_sensor_lib =
-# External Camera related configurations
-#external_camera_lib =
-# EyeTracking Plugin related configurations
-#plugin_eye_tracking_lib =
-# Host controller Plugin related configurations
-#plugin_host_controller_lib = libqvr_hostcontroller_plugin.so
-# Controls how/when eye tracking is started/stopped:
-# "default" : eye tracking mode (enable/disable) must be set prior to
-# starting VR mode.
-# if enabled, eye tracking will start when VR mode is started.
-# if enabled, eye tracking will stop when VR mode is stopped.
-# "standalone" : eye tracking will start when eye tracking mode is enabled.
-# eye tracking will stop when eye tracking mode is disabled,
-# or when VR mode stops.
-#plugin_eye_tracking_operating_mode = default
-# Tracker library
-6dof_tracker_lib = libtracker_6dof_skel_8450.so
-# Sensor orientation: default is: 1 2 3 (Android Portrait)
-# 1 represents x, 2 represents y and 3 represents z
-# The 3DOF and 6DOF tracking algorithms require IMU data
-# to be in Android Portrait orientation. If the device's
-# default orientation is *not* Android Portrait, these values
-# are used to convert from device orientation to Android
-# Portrait orientation.
-# For Android landscape sensor orientation, use 2 -1 3
-#sensor_orientation = 2 -1 3
-sensor_orientation = 1 2 3
-# tracking camera properties
-tracking_camera_id = 0
-tracking_camera_sensor = v4l_ov7251_stereo
-tracking_camera_driver = v4l2
-tracking_camera_res = 2560 960
-tracking_camera_quarter_res = 1280 480
-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-tracking_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-tracking_camera_auto_exposure = true
-tracking_camera_hvx_mode = false
-tracking_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-tracking_camera_master_only = false
-tracking_camera_control_protected = true
-tracking_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-tracking_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-tracking_camera_hvx_sensor = v4l_ov7251
-tracking_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-tracking_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-tracking_camera_default_resolution_mode = quarter
-tracking_camera_supported_formats = y8
-tracking_camera_default_frame_format = y8
-tracking_camera_gamma_blacklevel_cfg = 0.5:0
-# uvc-tracking camera properties
-uvc-tracking_camera_id = 1
-uvc-tracking_camera_sensor = v4l_ov9282_stereo
-uvc-tracking_camera_driver = v4l2
-uvc-tracking_camera_res = 1280 400
-uvc-tracking_camera_quarter_res = 1280 400
-uvc-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-uvc-tracking_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-uvc-tracking_camera_auto_exposure = true
-uvc-tracking_camera_hvx_mode = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-uvc-tracking_camera_master_only = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_control_protected = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-uvc-tracking_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-uvc-tracking_camera_hvx_sensor = v4l_ov9282
-uvc-tracking_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-uvc-tracking_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-uvc-tracking_camera_default_resolution_mode = full
-uvc-tracking_camera_supported_formats = y8 depth16 yuyv mjpeg
-uvc-tracking_camera_default_frame_format = y8
-# uvc-rgb-left camera properties
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_id = 2
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_sensor = v4l_ov8856
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_driver = v4l2
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_res = 1280 720
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_quarter_res = 1280 720
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_auto_exposure = true
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_hvx_mode = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_master_only = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_control_protected = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_hvx_sensor = v4l_ov8856
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_enable_yuv_ipe_bypass = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_default_resolution_mode = full
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_supported_formats = yuv420 yuyv mjpeg
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_default_frame_format = yuv420
-# uvc-rgb camera properties
-uvc-rgb_camera_id = 3
-uvc-rgb_camera_sensor = v4l_ov8856_stereo
-uvc-rgb_camera_driver = v4l2
-uvc-rgb_camera_calibration_name = rgb-left,rgb-right
-uvc-rgb_camera_res = 2560 720
-uvc-rgb_camera_quarter_res = 2560 720
-uvc-rgb_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-uvc-rgb_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-uvc-rgb_camera_auto_exposure = true
-uvc-rgb_camera_hvx_mode = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-uvc-rgb_camera_master_only = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_control_protected = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-uvc-rgb_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-uvc-rgb_camera_hvx_sensor = v4l_ov8856
-uvc-rgb_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-uvc-rgb_camera_enable_yuv_ipe_bypass = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-uvc-rgb_camera_default_resolution_mode = full
-uvc-rgb_camera_supported_formats = yuv420
-uvc-rgb_camera_default_frame_format = yuv420
-# 6dof pose logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-tracking_6dof_pose_logging_mode = disabled
-# the service will expose display interrupts to its clients from
-# /dev/graphics/fb[display_id] (default is fb0)
-#display_id = 0
-# vblank off delay
-disp_vblank_off_delay = 20
-# QVRService display lineptr interrupt is not supported on SM8150/SDM845
-# and later platforms. Set this config to true to handle linePtr interrupt by VSYNC
-# interrupt. This config only need to be enable to support apps built with older VR
-# SDKs that do not support using vsync callback via svrapi_config.txt.
-disp_lineptr_override_to_vsync = false
-#force to mag sensor based drift free 3dof
-#force_drift_free_3dof = true
-#Received mag sensor data should be in the range of Earth's magnetic field magnitude range (0.25 to 0.65 gauss)
-#if not, then either mag is not calibrated or indicates presence of external noise
-#use (0 0) to disable this checking
-mag_validity_range_gauss = 0.25 0.65
-# performance: thread_attributes<_optional soc id>
-# format -> [thread type]:[cpu performance level]>[sched_policy],[priority],[cpu_affinity];[cpu performance level]>[sched_policy],[priority],[cpu_affinity];
-# cpu_affinity is given as bit mask
-performance_thread_attributes = render:0>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xFF;1>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0;2>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0;3>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = warp:0>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xFF;1>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0;2>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0;3>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = controller:0>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xFF;1>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF;2>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0;3>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = normal:0>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xFF;1>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF;2>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0;3>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0
-# performance: hints for gpu and cpu levels
-# format -> [cpu_level gpu_level]:[hint id in powerhint.xml] [cpu_level gpu_level]:[hint id in powerhint.xml]
-# format -> [cpu_level gpu_level] - lower byte for gpu level and next higher byte for cpu_level. Max level 255
-performance_perf_hints = 0x0101:0x0000130A 0x0102:0x0000130B 0x0103:0x0000130C
-performance_perf_hints = 0x0201:0x0000130D 0x0202:0x0000130E 0x0203:0x0000130F
-performance_perf_hints = 0x0301:0x00001310 0x0302:0x00001311 0x0303:0x00001312
-# performance thermal rules to be enabled
-# format -> [thermal rule name]:[algo type]>[hardware type]
-performance_thermal_rules = QVR_Rule_G:monitor>gpu QVR_Rule_C:monitor>cpu
-# performance thermal interval in millisecond
-performance_thermal_interval_ms = 1000
-# performance thermal level in degrees celsius
-# format -> [thermal level name]:[temparature in celsius]
-performance_thermal_level_cpu = level1:40 level2:50 level3:60 level4:70
-performance_thermal_level_gpu = level1:30 level2:40 level3:50 level4:60
-# performance: temperature to temperature level mapping
-# format -> [hardware type]:[temperature]>[temperature level];[temperature]>[temperature level]
-performance_temp_levels = gpu:30000>1;32000>2;34000>3;36000>4 cpu:38000>1;41000>2;42000>3;43000>4
-# performance: thermal rule threshold index to mitigation actions mapping
-# format -> [thermal rule name]:[threshold index]>[mit_action1,mit_action2];[threshold index]>[mit_action1,mit_action2]
-# mit_actions: fpsup & fpsdown -> increase & decrease fps , resup & reddown -> increase & decrease eye buffer resolution
-performance_mitigation_actions = QVR_Rule_G:1>fpsdown,resup;2>fpsdown,resdown;3>fpsdown,resup;4>fpsup,resdown;5>fpsdown,resdown;6>fpsdown,resup;7>fpsup,resup QVR_Rule_C:1>fpsdown,resup;2>fpsup,resup
-# A hw_transform setting defines a physical transform between two hardware
-# components in the Android Portrait coordinate system. The format is as follows:
-# hw_transform = [from] [to] [4x3 float matrix]
-# The values of the matrix are in meters and are flattened as follows:
-# R00 R01 R02 T1
-# R10 R11 R12 T2 --> [ R00 R01 R02 T1 R10 R11 R12 T2 R20 R21 R22 T3 ]
-# R20 R21 R22 T3
-# Valid values for [from] and [to] are:
-# hmd = virtual HMD reference point
-# imu = IMU
-# eyeL = left eye tracking camera
-# eyeR = right eye tracking camera
-hw_transform = imu hmd 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.095 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-hw_transform = imu eyeL 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-hw_transform = imu eyeR 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-# Early initialization of the Tracker module
-6dof_tracker_early_init = false
-# Synchronizer config
-# sync_config_eye_pose options: 1=get_eye_pose 2=vsync
-# sync_config_tracker options: 1=get_frame 2=vsync
-# sync_config_rgb options: 1=get_frame 2=vsync
-#sync_config_eye_pose = 1
-#sync_config_tracker = 1
-#sync_config_rgb = 1
-# device mode definitions
-# default: same as standalone
-# standalone: all-in-one
-# host_simple: host for simple viewer
-# host_smart: host for smartviewer
-# smartviewer_remote: smartviewer warp-on-host
-# smartviewer_local: smartviewer warp-on-hmd
-device-mode = host_smart
-# When set to a non-zero value, the service's main thread will run at SCHED_FIFO
-# with the specified priority value.
-sched_prio = 0
-# QVR 3dof Tracker library
-qvr_3dof_tracker_lib = libqvr_3dof_tracker_skel.so
-# Tracker Helper Prediction - Holt Winter's algo (6dof headset pose prediction)
-gyro_alpha = 0.13
-gyro_beta = 0.50
-gyro_gamma = 0.01
-gyro_delta = 0.03
-gyro_epsilon = 1.0
-gyro_f1 = 1.1
-gyro_f2 = 1.1
-gyro_f3 = 5.0
-translation_alpha = 0.068
-translation_beta = 0.059
-translation_f1 = 1.021
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/457/3/65536/mtpwaipio_6dof_config.xml b/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/457/3/65536/mtpwaipio_6dof_config.xml
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-# Copyright (c) 2021 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# Configuration parameters for qvr 3dof tracker
-############ Adjustable parameters default values for AHRS sensor fusion algorithm ######################
-# 2 * proportional gain
-ahrs_twoKpDef = 0.2
-# 2 * proportional gain used during initialization
-ahrs_twoKpInitDef = 20.0
-# initialisation period in seconds
-ahrs_initPeriodDef = 1.0
-########## tunable MAG params ##################
-# number of mag frames
-num_frames_till_mag_stabilizes = 2500
-# number of mag frames
-count_to_validate_threshold = 20
-head_stabilized_threshold = 0.3
-high_wt_mag = 5.0
-low_wt_mag = 0.2
-wt_adjust_slope = 0.6
-yaw_correction_smooth_factor = 0.01
\ No newline at end of file
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-# Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# Configuration parameters for qvr service Waipio MTP device
-# Calibration data path
-# If device-specific calibration data is present in an alternate location
-# (typically one that wouldn't get wiped during a build update), specify
-# that path here and the VR service will attempt to load calibration data
-# from that path first before loading it from its default location.
-#calibration_path =
-# External Sensor related configurations
-#external_sensor_lib =
-# External Camera related configurations
-#external_camera_lib =
-# EyeTracking Plugin related configurations
-#plugin_eye_tracking_lib =
-# Host controller Plugin related configurations
-#plugin_host_controller_lib = libqvr_hostcontroller_plugin.so
-# Controls how/when eye tracking is started/stopped:
-# "default" : eye tracking mode (enable/disable) must be set prior to
-# starting VR mode.
-# if enabled, eye tracking will start when VR mode is started.
-# if enabled, eye tracking will stop when VR mode is stopped.
-# "standalone" : eye tracking will start when eye tracking mode is enabled.
-# eye tracking will stop when eye tracking mode is disabled,
-# or when VR mode stops.
-#plugin_eye_tracking_operating_mode = default
-# Tracker library
-6dof_tracker_lib = libtracker_6dof_skel_8450.so
-# Sensor orientation: default is: 1 2 3 (Android Portrait)
-# 1 represents x, 2 represents y and 3 represents z
-# The 3DOF and 6DOF tracking algorithms require IMU data
-# to be in Android Portrait orientation. If the device's
-# default orientation is *not* Android Portrait, these values
-# are used to convert from device orientation to Android
-# Portrait orientation.
-# For Android landscape sensor orientation, use 2 -1 3
-#sensor_orientation = 2 -1 3
-sensor_orientation = 1 2 3
-# tracking camera properties
-tracking_camera_id = 0
-tracking_camera_sensor = v4l_ov7251_stereo
-tracking_camera_driver = v4l2
-tracking_camera_res = 2560 960
-tracking_camera_quarter_res = 1280 480
-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-tracking_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-tracking_camera_auto_exposure = true
-tracking_camera_hvx_mode = false
-tracking_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-tracking_camera_master_only = false
-tracking_camera_control_protected = true
-tracking_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-tracking_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-tracking_camera_hvx_sensor = v4l_ov7251
-tracking_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-tracking_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-tracking_camera_default_resolution_mode = quarter
-tracking_camera_supported_formats = y8
-tracking_camera_default_frame_format = y8
-tracking_camera_gamma_blacklevel_cfg = 0.5:0
-# uvc-tracking camera properties
-uvc-tracking_camera_id = 1
-uvc-tracking_camera_sensor = v4l_ov9282_stereo
-uvc-tracking_camera_driver = v4l2
-uvc-tracking_camera_res = 1280 400
-uvc-tracking_camera_quarter_res = 1280 400
-uvc-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-uvc-tracking_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-uvc-tracking_camera_auto_exposure = true
-uvc-tracking_camera_hvx_mode = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-uvc-tracking_camera_master_only = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_control_protected = false
-uvc-tracking_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-uvc-tracking_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-uvc-tracking_camera_hvx_sensor = v4l_ov9282
-uvc-tracking_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-uvc-tracking_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-uvc-tracking_camera_default_resolution_mode = full
-uvc-tracking_camera_supported_formats = y8 depth16 yuyv mjpeg
-uvc-tracking_camera_default_frame_format = y8
-# uvc-rgb-left camera properties
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_id = 2
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_sensor = v4l_ov8856
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_driver = v4l2
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_res = 1280 720
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_quarter_res = 1280 720
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_auto_exposure = true
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_hvx_mode = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_master_only = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_control_protected = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_hvx_sensor = v4l_ov8856
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_enable_yuv_ipe_bypass = false
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_default_resolution_mode = full
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_supported_formats = yuv420 yuyv mjpeg
-uvc-rgb-left_camera_default_frame_format = yuv420
-# uvc-rgb camera properties
-uvc-rgb_camera_id = 3
-uvc-rgb_camera_sensor = v4l_ov8856_stereo
-uvc-rgb_camera_driver = v4l2
-uvc-rgb_camera_calibration_name = rgb-left,rgb-right
-uvc-rgb_camera_res = 2560 720
-uvc-rgb_camera_quarter_res = 2560 720
-uvc-rgb_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
-uvc-rgb_camera_rdi_frame_format = raw10
-uvc-rgb_camera_auto_exposure = true
-uvc-rgb_camera_hvx_mode = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_hvx_algo = qvrcam_receiver
-uvc-rgb_camera_master_only = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_control_protected = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_privileged_client = 0
-# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-uvc-rgb_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled
-uvc-rgb_camera_hvx_sensor = v4l_ov8856
-uvc-rgb_camera_default_flash_mode = off
-uvc-rgb_camera_enable_yuv_ipe_bypass = false
-uvc-rgb_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
-uvc-rgb_camera_default_resolution_mode = full
-uvc-rgb_camera_supported_formats = yuv420
-uvc-rgb_camera_default_frame_format = yuv420
-# 6dof pose logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
-tracking_6dof_pose_logging_mode = disabled
-# the service will expose display interrupts to its clients from
-# /dev/graphics/fb[display_id] (default is fb0)
-#display_id = 0
-# vblank off delay
-disp_vblank_off_delay = 20
-# QVRService display lineptr interrupt is not supported on SM8150/SDM845
-# and later platforms. Set this config to true to handle linePtr interrupt by VSYNC
-# interrupt. This config only need to be enable to support apps built with older VR
-# SDKs that do not support using vsync callback via svrapi_config.txt.
-disp_lineptr_override_to_vsync = false
-#force to mag sensor based drift free 3dof
-#force_drift_free_3dof = true
-#Received mag sensor data should be in the range of Earth's magnetic field magnitude range (0.25 to 0.65 gauss)
-#if not, then either mag is not calibrated or indicates presence of external noise
-#use (0 0) to disable this checking
-mag_validity_range_gauss = 0.25 0.65
-# performance: thread_attributes<_optional soc id>
-# format -> [thread type]:[cpu performance level]>[sched_policy],[priority],[cpu_affinity];[cpu performance level]>[sched_policy],[priority],[cpu_affinity];
-# cpu_affinity is given as bit mask
-performance_thread_attributes = render:0>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xFF;1>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0;2>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0;3>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = warp:0>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xFF;1>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0;2>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0;3>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = controller:0>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xFF;1>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF;2>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0;3>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0
-performance_thread_attributes = normal:0>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xFF;1>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF;2>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0;3>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0
-# performance: hints for gpu and cpu levels
-# format -> [cpu_level gpu_level]:[hint id in powerhint.xml] [cpu_level gpu_level]:[hint id in powerhint.xml]
-# format -> [cpu_level gpu_level] - lower byte for gpu level and next higher byte for cpu_level. Max level 255
-performance_perf_hints = 0x0101:0x0000130A 0x0102:0x0000130B 0x0103:0x0000130C
-performance_perf_hints = 0x0201:0x0000130D 0x0202:0x0000130E 0x0203:0x0000130F
-performance_perf_hints = 0x0301:0x00001310 0x0302:0x00001311 0x0303:0x00001312
-# performance thermal rules to be enabled
-# format -> [thermal rule name]:[algo type]>[hardware type]
-performance_thermal_rules = QVR_Rule_G:monitor>gpu QVR_Rule_C:monitor>cpu
-# performance thermal interval in millisecond
-performance_thermal_interval_ms = 1000
-# performance thermal level in degrees celsius
-# format -> [thermal level name]:[temparature in celsius]
-performance_thermal_level_cpu = level1:40 level2:50 level3:60 level4:70
-performance_thermal_level_gpu = level1:30 level2:40 level3:50 level4:60
-# performance: temperature to temperature level mapping
-# format -> [hardware type]:[temperature]>[temperature level];[temperature]>[temperature level]
-performance_temp_levels = gpu:30000>1;32000>2;34000>3;36000>4 cpu:38000>1;41000>2;42000>3;43000>4
-# performance: thermal rule threshold index to mitigation actions mapping
-# format -> [thermal rule name]:[threshold index]>[mit_action1,mit_action2];[threshold index]>[mit_action1,mit_action2]
-# mit_actions: fpsup & fpsdown -> increase & decrease fps , resup & reddown -> increase & decrease eye buffer resolution
-performance_mitigation_actions = QVR_Rule_G:1>fpsdown,resup;2>fpsdown,resdown;3>fpsdown,resup;4>fpsup,resdown;5>fpsdown,resdown;6>fpsdown,resup;7>fpsup,resup QVR_Rule_C:1>fpsdown,resup;2>fpsup,resup
-# A hw_transform setting defines a physical transform between two hardware
-# components in the Android Portrait coordinate system. The format is as follows:
-# hw_transform = [from] [to] [4x3 float matrix]
-# The values of the matrix are in meters and are flattened as follows:
-# R00 R01 R02 T1
-# R10 R11 R12 T2 --> [ R00 R01 R02 T1 R10 R11 R12 T2 R20 R21 R22 T3 ]
-# R20 R21 R22 T3
-# Valid values for [from] and [to] are:
-# hmd = virtual HMD reference point
-# imu = IMU
-# eyeL = left eye tracking camera
-# eyeR = right eye tracking camera
-hw_transform = imu hmd 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.095 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-hw_transform = imu eyeL 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-hw_transform = imu eyeR 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-# Early initialization of the Tracker module
-6dof_tracker_early_init = false
-# Synchronizer config
-# sync_config_eye_pose options: 1=get_eye_pose 2=vsync
-# sync_config_tracker options: 1=get_frame 2=vsync
-# sync_config_rgb options: 1=get_frame 2=vsync
-#sync_config_eye_pose = 1
-#sync_config_tracker = 1
-#sync_config_rgb = 1
-# device mode definitions
-# default: same as standalone
-# standalone: all-in-one
-# host_simple: host for simple viewer
-# host_smart: host for smartviewer
-# smartviewer_remote: smartviewer warp-on-host
-# smartviewer_local: smartviewer warp-on-hmd
-device-mode = host_smart
-# When set to a non-zero value, the service's main thread will run at SCHED_FIFO
-# with the specified priority value.
-sched_prio = 0
-# QVR 3dof Tracker library
-qvr_3dof_tracker_lib = libqvr_3dof_tracker_skel.so
-# Tracker Helper Prediction - Holt Winter's algo (6dof headset pose prediction)
-gyro_alpha = 0.13
-gyro_beta = 0.50
-gyro_gamma = 0.01
-gyro_delta = 0.03
-gyro_epsilon = 1.0
-gyro_f1 = 1.1
-gyro_f2 = 1.1
-gyro_f3 = 5.0
-translation_alpha = 0.068
-translation_beta = 0.059
-translation_f1 = 1.021
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/457/3/65537/mtpwaipio_6dof_config.xml b/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/457/3/65537/mtpwaipio_6dof_config.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1399973..0000000
--- a/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/457/3/65537/mtpwaipio_6dof_config.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/457/3/65537/mtpwaipio_qvr_3dof_tracker_config.txt b/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/457/3/65537/mtpwaipio_qvr_3dof_tracker_config.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 57ce2b6..0000000
--- a/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/457/3/65537/mtpwaipio_qvr_3dof_tracker_config.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2021 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# Configuration parameters for qvr 3dof tracker
-############ Adjustable parameters default values for AHRS sensor fusion algorithm ######################
-# 2 * proportional gain
-ahrs_twoKpDef = 0.2
-# 2 * proportional gain used during initialization
-ahrs_twoKpInitDef = 20.0
-# initialisation period in seconds
-ahrs_initPeriodDef = 1.0
-########## tunable MAG params ##################
-# number of mag frames
-num_frames_till_mag_stabilizes = 2500
-# number of mag frames
-count_to_validate_threshold = 20
-head_stabilized_threshold = 0.3
-high_wt_mag = 5.0
-low_wt_mag = 0.2
-wt_adjust_slope = 0.6
-yaw_correction_smooth_factor = 0.01
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/qvr_hid_device_list.txt b/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/qvr_hid_device_list.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dc1b6f..0000000
--- a/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/qvr_hid_device_list.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/qvr_usb_device_list.txt b/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/qvr_usb_device_list.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 67e2df6..0000000
--- a/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/qvr_usb_device_list.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/qvrservice_config.txt b/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/qvrservice_config.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e265744..0000000
--- a/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/qvrservice_config.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved
-# Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-# Configuration parameters for qvr service
-# VR Service parses the target specific config file under: cfg///
-# Any parameter added here will override the current value of same parameter.
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/etc/seccomp_policy/qvr@2.0.policy b/proprietary/vendor/etc/seccomp_policy/qvr@2.0.policy
deleted file mode 100644
index 59165e5..0000000
--- a/proprietary/vendor/etc/seccomp_policy/qvr@2.0.policy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-ioctl: 1
-fcntl: 1
-munmap: 1
-close: 1
-read: 1
-poll: 1
-fstat: 1
-write: 1
-clone: 1
-lseek: 1
-exit: 1
-getpid: 1
-socket: arg0 == AF_UNIX
-connect: 1
-read: 1
-clock_gettime: 1
-gettid: 1
-pipe: 1
-recv: 1
-recvfrom: 1
-bind: 1
-unlink: 1
-unlinkat: 1
-listen: 1
-accept: 1
-shutdown: 1
-send: 1
-sendto: 1
-sendmsg: 1
-setsockopt: 1
-getsockopt: 1
-recvmsg: 1
-sched_setscheduler: 1
-sched_get_priority_max: 1
-sched_get_priority_min: 1
-sched_setaffinity: 1
-sched_getaffinity: 1
-sched_yield: 1
-sysinfo: 1
-getcwd: 1
-inotify_add_watch: 1
-inotify_init: 1
-inotify_init1: 1
-inotify_rm_watch: 1
-eventfd: 1
-dup: 1
-fcntl64: 1
-rt_sigaction: 1
-openat: 1
-fstat64: 1
-mmap2: arg2 in ~PROT_EXEC || arg2 in ~PROT_WRITE
-faccessat: 1
-getuid32: 1
-flock: 1
-fstatat64: 1
-_llseek: 1
-getdents64: 1
-mprotect: arg2 in ~PROT_EXEC || arg2 in ~PROT_WRITE
-futex: 1
-getsockname: 1
-rt_sigprocmask: 1
-prctl: 1
-readlinkat: 1
-fstatfs64: 1
-sigaltstack: 1
-pread64: 1
-ppoll: 1
-eventfd2: 1
-gettimeofday: 1
-timer_create: 1
-timer_delete: 1
-rt_sigtimedwait: 1
-nanosleep: 1
-exit_group: 1
-accept4: 1
-ugetrlimit: 1
-pipe2: 1
-setpriority: 1
-madvise: 1
-geteuid32: 1
-tgkill: 1
-pselect6: 1
-mremap: 1
-set_tid_address: 1
-statfs64: 1
-remove: 1
-readlink: 1
-open: 1
-stat64: 1
-socketpair: 1
-process_vm_readv: 1
-rt_tgsigqueueinfo: 1
-mmap: 1
-getuid: 1
-newfstatat: 1
-getrlimit: 1
-fstatfs: 1
-geteuid: 1
-rt_sigreturn: 1
-writev: 1
-restart_syscall: 1
-mkdirat: 1
-statfs: 1
-fsync: 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/etc/seccomp_policy/sxr@2.0.policy b/proprietary/vendor/etc/seccomp_policy/sxr@2.0.policy
deleted file mode 100644
index 8037e38..0000000
--- a/proprietary/vendor/etc/seccomp_policy/sxr@2.0.policy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-fcntl: 1
-rt_sigreturn: 1
-sched_getscheduler: 1
-fstatfs: 1
-sched_getaffinity: 1
-execve: 1
-munmap: 1
-getuid: 1
-getrandom: 1
-writev: 1
-restart_syscall: 1
-newfstatat: 1
-close: 1
-read: 1
-fstat: 1
-exit: 1
-getpid: 1
-socket: arg0 == AF_UNIX
-connect: 1
-rt_sigaction: 1
-openat: 1
-faccessat: 1
-flock: 1
-mprotect: arg2 in ~PROT_EXEC || arg2 in ~PROT_WRITE
-futex: 1
-rt_sigprocmask: 1
-prctl: 1
-readlinkat: 1
-sigaltstack: 1
-pread64: 1
-exit_group: 1
-mremap: 1
-set_tid_address: 1
-mmap: arg2 in ~PROT_EXEC || arg2 in ~PROT_WRITE
-ioctl: 1
-socketpair: 1
-getrlimit: 1
-write: 1
-dup: 1
-clone: 1
-ppoll: 1
-recvfrom: 1
-eventfd2: 1
-lseek: 1
-inotify_init1: 1
-inotify_add_watch: 1
-getdents64: 1
-setpriority: 1
-sendmsg: 1
-madvise: 1
-shutdown: 1
-gettid: 1
-mkdirat: 1
-unlinkat: 1
-nanosleep: 1
-process_vm_readv: 1
-recvmsg: 1
-setsockopt: 1
-getsockopt: 1
-bind: 1
-sendto: 1
-recvfrom: 1
-pselect6: 1
-getsockname: 1
-listen: 1
-accept4: 1
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/etc/vintf/manifest/vendor.qti.hardware.qxr-service.xml b/proprietary/vendor/etc/vintf/manifest/vendor.qti.hardware.qxr-service.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 199b3b5..0000000
--- a/proprietary/vendor/etc/vintf/manifest/vendor.qti.hardware.qxr-service.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- vendor.qti.hardware.qxr
- IQXRCoreService
- default
- IQXRCamService
- default
- IQXRSplitService
- default
- IQXRModService
- default
- IQXRAudioService
- default
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libDspIOProxy_stub.so b/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libDspIOProxy_stub.so
deleted file mode 100644
index da6f074..0000000
Binary files a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libDspIOProxy_stub.so and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libMapService.so b/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libMapService.so
deleted file mode 100644
index dc54069..0000000
Binary files a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libMapService.so and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libScenescape.so b/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libScenescape.so
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fb2841..0000000
Binary files a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libScenescape.so and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libStereoRectifyWrapper.so b/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libStereoRectifyWrapper.so
deleted file mode 100644
index a5aa436..0000000
Binary files a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libStereoRectifyWrapper.so and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libeye_tracking_dsp_sample_stub.so b/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libeye_tracking_dsp_sample_stub.so
deleted file mode 100644
index addeeeb..0000000
Binary files a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libeye_tracking_dsp_sample_stub.so and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libhalide_hexagon_host.so b/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libhalide_hexagon_host.so
deleted file mode 100644
index c5bb302..0000000
Binary files a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libhalide_hexagon_host.so and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libqvr_cam_cdsp_driver_stub.so b/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libqvr_cam_cdsp_driver_stub.so
deleted file mode 100644
index 13901e7..0000000
Binary files a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libqvr_cam_cdsp_driver_stub.so and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libqvr_cdsp_driver_stub.so b/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libqvr_cdsp_driver_stub.so
deleted file mode 100644
index e3590dc..0000000
Binary files a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libqvr_cdsp_driver_stub.so and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libqvr_eyetracking_plugin.so b/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libqvr_eyetracking_plugin.so
deleted file mode 100644
index 75bd8a2..0000000
Binary files a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libqvr_eyetracking_plugin.so and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libqvr_hostcontroller_plugin.so b/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libqvr_hostcontroller_plugin.so
deleted file mode 100644
index 919590c..0000000
Binary files a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libqvr_hostcontroller_plugin.so and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libqvrcamera_client.qti.so b/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libqvrcamera_client.qti.so
deleted file mode 100644
index 62768cc..0000000
Binary files a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libqvrcamera_client.qti.so and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libqvrservice.so b/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libqvrservice.so
deleted file mode 100644
index 27a86df..0000000
Binary files a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libqvrservice.so and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libqvrservice_client.qti.so b/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libqvrservice_client.qti.so
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e39bef..0000000
Binary files a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libqvrservice_client.qti.so and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libsxrcryptoimpl.so b/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libsxrcryptoimpl.so
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e9d58f..0000000
Binary files a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libsxrcryptoimpl.so and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libsxrservice.so b/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libsxrservice.so
deleted file mode 100644
index 44b553c..0000000
Binary files a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libsxrservice.so and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libtracker_6dof_impl.so b/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libtracker_6dof_impl.so
deleted file mode 100644
index e7a67a3..0000000
Binary files a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/libtracker_6dof_impl.so and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/vendor.qti.hardware.qxr-V1-ndk_platform.so b/proprietary/vendor/lib64/vendor.qti.hardware.qxr-V1-ndk_platform.so
deleted file mode 100644
index 513b228..0000000
Binary files a/proprietary/vendor/lib64/vendor.qti.hardware.qxr-V1-ndk_platform.so and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/sm8450-common-vendor.mk b/sm8450-common-vendor.mk
index cc2840d..bb45527 100644
--- a/sm8450-common-vendor.mk
+++ b/sm8450-common-vendor.mk
@@ -97,8 +97,6 @@ PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \
vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.security.keymint-service-qti:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/bin/hw/android.hardware.security.keymint-service-qti \
vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/bin/hw/qconfigservice:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/bin/hw/qconfigservice \
vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/bin/hw/qcrilNrd:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/bin/hw/qcrilNrd \
- vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/bin/hw/qvrservice:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/bin/hw/qvrservice \
- vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/bin/hw/sxrservice:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/bin/hw/sxrservice \
vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/bin/hw/vendor.display.color@1.0-service:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/bin/hw/vendor.display.color@1.0-service \
vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/bin/hw/vendor.qti.esepowermanager@1.1-service:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/bin/hw/vendor.qti.esepowermanager@1.1-service \
vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/bin/hw/vendor.qti.hardware.alarm@1.0-service:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/bin/hw/vendor.qti.hardware.alarm@1.0-service \
@@ -154,9 +152,6 @@ PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \
vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/bin/qti:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/bin/qti \
vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/bin/qtigetprop:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/bin/qtigetprop \
vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/bin/qtisetprop:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/bin/qtisetprop \
- vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/bin/qvrdatalogger:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/bin/qvrdatalogger \
- vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/bin/qvrservicetest:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/bin/qvrservicetest \
- vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/bin/qvrservicetest64:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/bin/qvrservicetest64 \
vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/bin/rmt_storage:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/bin/rmt_storage \
vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/bin/sensors-qesdk:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/bin/sensors-qesdk \
vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/bin/sensors.qti:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/bin/sensors.qti \
@@ -270,9 +265,7 @@ PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \
vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/etc/init/qmipriod.rc:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/init/qmipriod.rc \
vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/etc/init/qms.rc:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/init/qms.rc \
vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/etc/init/qseecomd.rc:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/init/qseecomd.rc \
- vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/etc/init/qvrd_vndr.rc:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/init/qvrd_vndr.rc \
vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/etc/init/ssgtzd.rc:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/init/ssgtzd.rc \
- vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/etc/init/sxrd.rc:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/init/sxrd.rc \
vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/etc/init/trusteduilistener.rc:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/init/trusteduilistener.rc \
vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/etc/init/vendor.display.color@1.0-service.rc:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/init/vendor.display.color@1.0-service.rc \
vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/etc/init/vendor.dpmd.rc:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/init/vendor.dpmd.rc \
@@ -384,33 +377,6 @@ PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \
vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/etc/qcril_database/upgrade/other/8_version_update_ecc_table.sql:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/qcril_database/upgrade/other/8_version_update_ecc_table.sql \
vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/etc/qcril_database/upgrade/other/9_version_update_ecc_table.sql:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/qcril_database/upgrade/other/9_version_update_ecc_table.sql \
vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/etc/qguard.json:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/qguard.json \
- vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/339/0/65536/mtp855.txt:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/qvr/cfg/339/0/65536/mtp855.txt \
- vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/339/0/65536/mtp855_6dof_config.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/qvr/cfg/339/0/65536/mtp855_6dof_config.xml \
- vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/356/0/65536/mtp865.txt:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/qvr/cfg/356/0/65536/mtp865.txt \
- vendor/xiaomi/sm8450-common/proprietary/vendor/etc/qvr/cfg/356/0/65536/mtp865_6dof_config.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/qvr/cfg/356/0/65536/mtp865_6dof_config.xml \
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@@ -1063,7 +1010,6 @@ PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \
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vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims \
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