drm/amd/pm: update smu11 driver interface header for beige_goby
Use new struct name to identify beige_goby pptable due to extra added fields. v2: squash in updates (Alex) Signed-off-by: Chengming Gui <Jack.Gui@amd.com> Reviewed-by: Jiansong Chen <Jiansong.Chen@amd.com> Reviewed-by: Evan Quan <Evan.Quan@amd.com> Signed-off-by: Alex Deucher <alexander.deucher@amd.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -129,8 +129,8 @@
#define FEATURE_SPARE_50_BIT 50
#define FEATURE_SPARE_51_BIT 51
#define FEATURE_SPARE_52_BIT 52
#define FEATURE_SPARE_52_BIT 52
#define FEATURE_SPARE_53_BIT 53
#define FEATURE_SPARE_53_BIT 53
#define FEATURE_SPARE_54_BIT 54
#define FEATURE_SPARE_54_BIT 54
@ -940,6 +940,367 @@ typedef struct {
} PPTable_t;
} PPTable_t;
typedef struct {
uint32_t Version;
// SECTION: Feature Enablement
uint32_t FeaturesToRun[NUM_FEATURES / 32];
// SECTION: Infrastructure Limits
uint16_t SocketPowerLimitAc[PPT_THROTTLER_COUNT]; // Watts
uint16_t SocketPowerLimitAcTau[PPT_THROTTLER_COUNT]; // Time constant of LPF in ms
uint16_t SocketPowerLimitDc[PPT_THROTTLER_COUNT]; // Watts
uint16_t SocketPowerLimitDcTau[PPT_THROTTLER_COUNT]; // Time constant of LPF in ms
uint16_t TdcLimit[TDC_THROTTLER_COUNT]; // Amps
uint16_t TdcLimitTau[TDC_THROTTLER_COUNT]; // Time constant of LPF in ms
uint16_t TemperatureLimit[TEMP_COUNT]; // Celcius
uint32_t FitLimit; // Failures in time (failures per million parts over the defined lifetime)
// SECTION: Power Configuration
uint8_t TotalPowerConfig; //0-TDP, 1-TGP, 2-TCP Estimated, 3-TCP Measured. Use defines from PwrConfig_e
uint8_t TotalPowerPadding[3];
// SECTION: APCC Settings
uint32_t ApccPlusResidencyLimit;
uint16_t SmnclkDpmFreq [NUM_SMNCLK_DPM_LEVELS]; // in MHz
uint16_t SmnclkDpmVoltage [NUM_SMNCLK_DPM_LEVELS]; // mV(Q2)
uint32_t PaddingAPCC;
uint16_t PerPartDroopVsetGfxDfll[NUM_PIECE_WISE_LINEAR_DROOP_MODEL_VF_POINTS]; //In mV(Q2)
uint16_t PaddingPerPartDroop;
// SECTION: Throttler settings
uint32_t ThrottlerControlMask; // See Throtter masks defines
uint32_t FwDStateMask; // See FW DState masks defines
// SECTION: ULV Settings
uint16_t UlvVoltageOffsetSoc; // In mV(Q2)
uint16_t UlvVoltageOffsetGfx; // In mV(Q2)
uint16_t MinVoltageUlvGfx; // In mV(Q2) Minimum Voltage ("Vmin") of VDD_GFX in ULV mode
uint16_t MinVoltageUlvSoc; // In mV(Q2) Minimum Voltage ("Vmin") of VDD_SOC in ULV mode
uint16_t SocLIVmin;
uint16_t SocLIVminoffset;
uint8_t GceaLinkMgrIdleThreshold; //Set by SMU FW during enablment of GFXOFF. Controls delay for GFX SDP port disconnection during idle events
uint8_t paddingRlcUlvParams[3];
// SECTION: Voltage Control Parameters
uint16_t MinVoltageGfx; // In mV(Q2) Minimum Voltage ("Vmin") of VDD_GFX
uint16_t MinVoltageSoc; // In mV(Q2) Minimum Voltage ("Vmin") of VDD_SOC
uint16_t MaxVoltageGfx; // In mV(Q2) Maximum Voltage allowable of VDD_GFX
uint16_t MaxVoltageSoc; // In mV(Q2) Maximum Voltage allowable of VDD_SOC
uint16_t LoadLineResistanceGfx; // In mOhms with 8 fractional bits
uint16_t LoadLineResistanceSoc; // In mOhms with 8 fractional bits
// SECTION: Temperature Dependent Vmin
uint16_t VDDGFX_TVmin; //Celcius
uint16_t VDDSOC_TVmin; //Celcius
uint16_t VDDGFX_Vmin_HiTemp; // mV Q2
uint16_t VDDGFX_Vmin_LoTemp; // mV Q2
uint16_t VDDSOC_Vmin_HiTemp; // mV Q2
uint16_t VDDSOC_Vmin_LoTemp; // mV Q2
uint16_t VDDGFX_TVminHystersis; // Celcius
uint16_t VDDSOC_TVminHystersis; // Celcius
//SECTION: DPM Config 1
DpmDescriptor_t DpmDescriptor[PPCLK_COUNT];
uint16_t FreqTableGfx [NUM_GFXCLK_DPM_LEVELS ]; // In MHz
uint16_t FreqTableVclk [NUM_VCLK_DPM_LEVELS ]; // In MHz
uint16_t FreqTableDclk [NUM_DCLK_DPM_LEVELS ]; // In MHz
uint16_t FreqTableSocclk [NUM_SOCCLK_DPM_LEVELS ]; // In MHz
uint16_t FreqTableUclk [NUM_UCLK_DPM_LEVELS ]; // In MHz
uint16_t FreqTableDcefclk [NUM_DCEFCLK_DPM_LEVELS ]; // In MHz
uint16_t FreqTableDispclk [NUM_DISPCLK_DPM_LEVELS ]; // In MHz
uint16_t FreqTablePixclk [NUM_PIXCLK_DPM_LEVELS ]; // In MHz
uint16_t FreqTablePhyclk [NUM_PHYCLK_DPM_LEVELS ]; // In MHz
uint16_t FreqTableDtbclk [NUM_DTBCLK_DPM_LEVELS ]; // In MHz
uint16_t FreqTableFclk [NUM_FCLK_DPM_LEVELS ]; // In MHz
uint32_t Paddingclks;
DroopInt_t PerPartDroopModelGfxDfll[NUM_PIECE_WISE_LINEAR_DROOP_MODEL_VF_POINTS]; //GHz ->Vstore in IEEE float format
uint32_t DcModeMaxFreq [PPCLK_COUNT ]; // In MHz
uint8_t FreqTableUclkDiv [NUM_UCLK_DPM_LEVELS ]; // 0:Div-1, 1:Div-1/2, 2:Div-1/4, 3:Div-1/8
// Used for MALL performance boost
uint16_t FclkBoostFreq; // In Mhz
uint16_t FclkParamPadding;
// SECTION: DPM Config 2
uint16_t Mp0clkFreq [NUM_MP0CLK_DPM_LEVELS]; // in MHz
uint16_t Mp0DpmVoltage [NUM_MP0CLK_DPM_LEVELS]; // mV(Q2)
uint16_t MemVddciVoltage [NUM_UCLK_DPM_LEVELS]; // mV(Q2)
uint16_t MemMvddVoltage [NUM_UCLK_DPM_LEVELS]; // mV(Q2)
uint16_t GfxclkFgfxoffEntry; // in Mhz
uint16_t GfxclkFinit; // in Mhz
uint16_t GfxclkFidle; // in MHz
uint8_t GfxclkSource; // 0 = PLL, 1 = DFLL
uint8_t GfxclkPadding;
uint8_t GfxGpoSubFeatureMask; // bit 0 = PACE, bit 1 = DEM
uint8_t GfxGpoEnabledWorkPolicyMask; //Any policy that GPO can be enabled
uint8_t GfxGpoDisabledWorkPolicyMask; //Any policy that GPO can be disabled
uint8_t GfxGpoPadding[1];
uint32_t GfxGpoVotingAllow; //For indicating which feature changes should result in a GPO table recalculation
uint32_t GfxGpoPadding32[4];
uint16_t GfxDcsFopt; // Optimal GFXCLK for DCS in Mhz
uint16_t GfxDcsFclkFopt; // Optimal FCLK for DCS in Mhz
uint16_t GfxDcsUclkFopt; // Optimal UCLK for DCS in Mhz
uint16_t DcsGfxOffVoltage; //Voltage in mV(Q2) applied to VDDGFX when entering DCS GFXOFF phase
uint16_t DcsMinGfxOffTime; //Minimum amount of time PMFW shuts GFX OFF as part of GFX DCS phase
uint16_t DcsMaxGfxOffTime; //Maximum amount of time PMFW can shut GFX OFF as part of GFX DCS phase at a stretch.
uint32_t DcsMinCreditAccum; //Min amount of positive credit accumulation before waking GFX up as part of DCS.
uint16_t DcsExitHysteresis; //The min amount of time power credit accumulator should have a value > 0 before SMU exits the DCS throttling phase.
uint16_t DcsTimeout; //This is the amount of time SMU FW waits for RLC to put GFX into GFXOFF before reverting to the fallback mechanism of throttling GFXCLK to Fmin.
uint32_t DcsParamPadding[5];
uint16_t FlopsPerByteTable[RLC_PACE_TABLE_NUM_LEVELS]; // Q8.8
// UCLK section
uint8_t LowestUclkReservedForUlv; // Set this to 1 if UCLK DPM0 is reserved for ULV-mode only
uint8_t PaddingMem[3];
uint8_t UclkDpmPstates [NUM_UCLK_DPM_LEVELS]; // 4 DPM states, 0-P0, 1-P1, 2-P2, 3-P3.
// Used for 2-Step UCLK change workaround
UclkDpmChangeRange_t UclkDpmSrcFreqRange; // In Mhz
UclkDpmChangeRange_t UclkDpmTargFreqRange; // In Mhz
uint16_t UclkDpmMidstepFreq; // In Mhz
uint16_t UclkMidstepPadding;
// Link DPM Settings
uint8_t PcieGenSpeed[NUM_LINK_LEVELS]; ///< 0:PciE-gen1 1:PciE-gen2 2:PciE-gen3 3:PciE-gen4
uint8_t PcieLaneCount[NUM_LINK_LEVELS]; ///< 1=x1, 2=x2, 3=x4, 4=x8, 5=x12, 6=x16
uint16_t LclkFreq[NUM_LINK_LEVELS];
// SECTION: Fan Control
uint16_t FanStopTemp; //Celcius
uint16_t FanStartTemp; //Celcius
uint16_t FanGain[TEMP_COUNT];
uint16_t FanPwmMin;
uint16_t FanAcousticLimitRpm;
uint16_t FanThrottlingRpm;
uint16_t FanMaximumRpm;
uint16_t MGpuFanBoostLimitRpm;
uint16_t FanTargetTemperature;
uint16_t FanTargetGfxclk;
uint16_t FanPadding16;
uint8_t FanTempInputSelect;
uint8_t FanPadding;
uint8_t FanZeroRpmEnable;
uint8_t FanTachEdgePerRev;
// The following are AFC override parameters. Leave at 0 to use FW defaults.
int16_t FuzzyFan_ErrorSetDelta;
int16_t FuzzyFan_ErrorRateSetDelta;
int16_t FuzzyFan_PwmSetDelta;
uint16_t FuzzyFan_Reserved;
// Overrides
uint8_t OverrideAvfsGb[AVFS_VOLTAGE_COUNT];
uint8_t dBtcGbGfxDfllModelSelect; //0 -> fused piece-wise model, 1 -> piece-wise linear(PPTable), 2 -> quadratic model(PPTable)
uint8_t Padding8_Avfs;
QuadraticInt_t qAvfsGb[AVFS_VOLTAGE_COUNT]; // GHz->V Override of fused curve
DroopInt_t dBtcGbGfxPll; // GHz->V BtcGb
DroopInt_t dBtcGbGfxDfll; // GHz->V BtcGb
DroopInt_t dBtcGbSoc; // GHz->V BtcGb
LinearInt_t qAgingGb[AVFS_VOLTAGE_COUNT]; // GHz->V
PiecewiseLinearDroopInt_t PiecewiseLinearDroopIntGfxDfll; //GHz ->Vstore in IEEE float format
QuadraticInt_t qStaticVoltageOffset[AVFS_VOLTAGE_COUNT]; // GHz->V
uint16_t DcTol[AVFS_VOLTAGE_COUNT]; // mV Q2
uint8_t DcBtcEnabled[AVFS_VOLTAGE_COUNT];
uint8_t Padding8_GfxBtc[2];
uint16_t DcBtcMin[AVFS_VOLTAGE_COUNT]; // mV Q2
uint16_t DcBtcMax[AVFS_VOLTAGE_COUNT]; // mV Q2
uint16_t DcBtcGb[AVFS_VOLTAGE_COUNT]; // mV Q2
uint8_t XgmiDpmPstates[NUM_XGMI_LEVELS]; // 2 DPM states, high and low. 0-P0, 1-P1, 2-P2, 3-P3.
uint8_t XgmiDpmSpare[2];
// SECTION: Advanced Options
uint32_t DebugOverrides;
QuadraticInt_t ReservedEquation0;
QuadraticInt_t ReservedEquation1;
QuadraticInt_t ReservedEquation2;
QuadraticInt_t ReservedEquation3;
// SECTION: Sku Reserved
uint8_t CustomerVariant;
//VC BTC parameters are only applicable to VDD_GFX domain
uint8_t VcBtcEnabled;
uint16_t VcBtcVminT0; // T0_VMIN
uint16_t VcBtcFixedVminAgingOffset; // FIXED_VMIN_AGING_OFFSET
uint16_t VcBtcVmin2PsmDegrationGb; // VMIN_TO_PSM_DEGRADATION_GB
uint32_t VcBtcPsmA; // A_PSM
uint32_t VcBtcPsmB; // B_PSM
uint32_t VcBtcVminA; // A_VMIN
uint32_t VcBtcVminB; // B_VMIN
//GPIO Board feature
uint16_t LedGpio; //GeneriA GPIO flag used to control the radeon LEDs
uint16_t GfxPowerStagesGpio; //Genlk_vsync GPIO flag used to control gfx power stages
uint32_t SkuReserved[16];
//SECTION: Gaming Clocks
uint32_t GamingClk[6];
// SECTION: I2C Control
I2cControllerConfig_t I2cControllers[NUM_I2C_CONTROLLERS];
uint8_t GpioScl; // GPIO Number for SCL Line, used only for CKSVII2C1
uint8_t GpioSda; // GPIO Number for SDA Line, used only for CKSVII2C1
uint8_t FchUsbPdSlaveAddr; //For requesting USB PD controller S-states via FCH I2C when entering PME turn off
uint8_t I2cSpare[1];
// SECTION: SVI2 Board Parameters
uint8_t VddGfxVrMapping; // Use VR_MAPPING* bitfields
uint8_t VddSocVrMapping; // Use VR_MAPPING* bitfields
uint8_t VddMem0VrMapping; // Use VR_MAPPING* bitfields
uint8_t VddMem1VrMapping; // Use VR_MAPPING* bitfields
uint8_t GfxUlvPhaseSheddingMask; // set this to 1 to set PSI0/1 to 1 in ULV mode
uint8_t SocUlvPhaseSheddingMask; // set this to 1 to set PSI0/1 to 1 in ULV mode
uint8_t VddciUlvPhaseSheddingMask; // set this to 1 to set PSI0/1 to 1 in ULV mode
uint8_t MvddUlvPhaseSheddingMask; // set this to 1 to set PSI0/1 to 1 in ULV mode
// SECTION: Telemetry Settings
uint16_t GfxMaxCurrent; // in Amps
int8_t GfxOffset; // in Amps
uint8_t Padding_TelemetryGfx;
uint16_t SocMaxCurrent; // in Amps
int8_t SocOffset; // in Amps
uint8_t Padding_TelemetrySoc;
uint16_t Mem0MaxCurrent; // in Amps
int8_t Mem0Offset; // in Amps
uint8_t Padding_TelemetryMem0;
uint16_t Mem1MaxCurrent; // in Amps
int8_t Mem1Offset; // in Amps
uint8_t Padding_TelemetryMem1;
uint32_t MvddRatio; // This is used for MVDD Svi2 Div Ratio workaround. It has 16 fractional bits (Q16.16)
// SECTION: GPIO Settings
uint8_t AcDcGpio; // GPIO pin configured for AC/DC switching
uint8_t AcDcPolarity; // GPIO polarity for AC/DC switching
uint8_t VR0HotGpio; // GPIO pin configured for VR0 HOT event
uint8_t VR0HotPolarity; // GPIO polarity for VR0 HOT event
uint8_t VR1HotGpio; // GPIO pin configured for VR1 HOT event
uint8_t VR1HotPolarity; // GPIO polarity for VR1 HOT event
uint8_t GthrGpio; // GPIO pin configured for GTHR Event
uint8_t GthrPolarity; // replace GPIO polarity for GTHR
// LED Display Settings
uint8_t LedPin0; // GPIO number for LedPin[0]
uint8_t LedPin1; // GPIO number for LedPin[1]
uint8_t LedPin2; // GPIO number for LedPin[2]
uint8_t LedEnableMask;
uint8_t LedPcie; // GPIO number for PCIE results
uint8_t LedError; // GPIO number for Error Cases
uint8_t LedSpare1[2];
// SECTION: Clock Spread Spectrum
// GFXCLK PLL Spread Spectrum
uint8_t PllGfxclkSpreadEnabled; // on or off
uint8_t PllGfxclkSpreadPercent; // Q4.4
uint16_t PllGfxclkSpreadFreq; // kHz
// GFXCLK DFLL Spread Spectrum
uint8_t DfllGfxclkSpreadEnabled; // on or off
uint8_t DfllGfxclkSpreadPercent; // Q4.4
uint16_t DfllGfxclkSpreadFreq; // kHz
// UCLK Spread Spectrum
uint16_t UclkSpreadPadding;
uint16_t UclkSpreadFreq; // kHz
// FCLK Spread Spectrum
uint8_t FclkSpreadEnabled; // on or off
uint8_t FclkSpreadPercent; // Q4.4
uint16_t FclkSpreadFreq; // kHz
// Section: Memory Config
uint32_t MemoryChannelEnabled; // For DRAM use only, Max 32 channels enabled bit mask.
uint8_t DramBitWidth; // For DRAM use only. See Dram Bit width type defines
uint8_t PaddingMem1[3];
// Section: Total Board Power
uint16_t TotalBoardPower; //Only needed for TCP Estimated case, where TCP = TGP+Total Board Power
uint16_t BoardPowerPadding;
// SECTION: XGMI Training
uint8_t XgmiLinkSpeed [NUM_XGMI_PSTATE_LEVELS];
uint8_t XgmiLinkWidth [NUM_XGMI_PSTATE_LEVELS];
uint16_t XgmiFclkFreq [NUM_XGMI_PSTATE_LEVELS];
uint16_t XgmiSocVoltage [NUM_XGMI_PSTATE_LEVELS];
// SECTION: UMC feature flags
uint8_t HsrEnabled;
uint8_t VddqOffEnabled;
uint8_t PaddingUmcFlags[2];
// UCLK Spread Spectrum
uint8_t UclkSpreadPercent[16];
// SECTION: Board Reserved
uint32_t BoardReserved[11];
// SECTION: Structure Padding
// Padding for MMHUB - do not modify this
uint32_t MmHubPadding[8]; // SMU internal use
} PPTable_beige_goby_t;
typedef struct {
typedef struct {
// Time constant parameters for clock averages in ms
// Time constant parameters for clock averages in ms
uint16_t GfxclkAverageLpfTau;
uint16_t GfxclkAverageLpfTau;
@ -1265,4 +1626,5 @@ typedef struct {
// These defines are used with the SMC_MSG_SetUclkFastSwitch message.
// These defines are used with the SMC_MSG_SetUclkFastSwitch message.
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
#define SMU11_DRIVER_IF_VERSION_Navy_Flounder 0xE
#define SMU11_DRIVER_IF_VERSION_Navy_Flounder 0xE
#define SMU11_DRIVER_IF_VERSION_Dimgrey_Cavefish 0xF
#define SMU11_DRIVER_IF_VERSION_Dimgrey_Cavefish 0xF
#define SMU11_DRIVER_IF_VERSION_Beige_Goby 0x7
#define SMU11_DRIVER_IF_VERSION_Beige_Goby 0x9
/* MP Apertures */
/* MP Apertures */
#define MP0_Public 0x03800000
#define MP0_Public 0x03800000
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