The host will send TPC power to FW via the new WMI cmd
WMI_VDEV_SET_TPC_POWER_CMDID going forward instead of
WMI_VDEV_PARAM_TX_PWRLIMIT to accommodate 6GHz channels.
But, to support backward compatibility for New Host+old FW
the TPC power will be sent to FW via legacy WMI cmds
WMI_VDEV_SET_PARAM_CMDID (during initial connection) or
WMI_VDEV_PARAM_TX_PWRLIMIT (power value change during RRM
req/bcn processing from connected AP) with the help of a
Change-Id: I22e11ff847cd384fac8ea0061e5df42cea0c8de8
CRs-Fixed: 2874245