Jason Chiu e3b75f29cd Revert "wifi: Move driver initialization to an eariler time"
This reverts commit a011c11f37.

Reason for revert: it introduces b/243876449

Bug: 243876449
Change-Id: Ifc798f4bc237dd51921b22eb59b706f38d9edcea
2022-08-31 09:50:39 +00:00

100 lines
3.8 KiB

# Lynx specific init.rc
import /vendor/etc/init/hw/init.gs201.rc
on init
# NFC streset tool name
setprop persist.vendor.nfc.streset libstreset21
setprop libstreset21
# When, add vendor/bin/factory to default path
on init &&
export PATH /product/bin:/apex/
on early-boot
# Wait for insmod_sh to finish all common modules
wait_for_prop vendor.common.modules.ready 1
start insmod_sh_lynx
service insmod_sh_lynx /vendor/bin/ /vendor/etc/init.insmod.lynx.cfg
class main
user root
group root system
on boot &&
# FTM log folder
mkdir /data/ftmlog 0775 system system
# Audio test folder
mkdir /data/AudioTest 0775 system system
# Start the twoshay touch service
on property:vendor.device.modules.ready=1
start twoshay
on property:vendor.mfgapi.touchpanel.permission=1
chmod 0600 /sys/devices/virtual/sec/tsp/cmd
chown system system /sys/devices/virtual/sec/tsp/cmd
# Fingerprint
on post-fs-data
chown system system /dev/goodix_fp
exec_background - system shell -- /vendor/bin/trusty_apploader /vendor/firmware/
# SecureElement eSE2 cts mode
write /sys/class/st33spi/st33spi/st33spi_state 33
# Allow secure_element group to read / write ST33 SPI state
on post-fs-data
chown secure_element secure_element /sys/class/st33spi/st33spi/st33spi_state
chmod 0660 /sys/class/st33spi/st33spi/st33spi_state
# Wifi
on property:sys.boot_completed=1
write /sys/bus/platform/drivers/cnss2/qcom,cnss-qca6490/fs_ready 1
# Create directories for wifihal services
mkdir /dev/socket/wifihal 0770 wifi wifi
chmod 2777 /dev/socket/wifihal
# Create directories for Location services
mkdir /dev/socket/location 0770 wifi wifi
chmod 2777 /dev/socket/location
mkdir /dev/socket/location/mq 0770 wifi wifi
chmod 2777 /dev/socket/location/mq
start vendor.loc_launcher
# Start loc_launcher to launch lowi-server
service vendor.loc_launcher /system/vendor/bin/loc_launcher
class late_start
user wifi
group wifi
# Toggle high_sensitivity according to touch_sensitivity_mode
on property:persist.vendor.touch_sensitivity_mode=0 && property:sys.boot_completed=1
write /sys/devices/virtual/goog_touch_interface/gti.0/screen_protector_mode_enabled 0
on property:persist.vendor.touch_sensitivity_mode=1 && property:sys.boot_completed=1
write /sys/devices/virtual/goog_touch_interface/gti.0/screen_protector_mode_enabled 1
# Touch
on property:vendor.device.modules.ready=1
chown system system /sys/devices/virtual/goog_touch_interface/gti.0/force_active
chown system system /sys/devices/virtual/goog_touch_interface/gti.0/fw_ver
chown system system /sys/devices/virtual/goog_touch_interface/gti.0/ms_base
chown system system /sys/devices/virtual/goog_touch_interface/gti.0/ms_diff
chown system system /sys/devices/virtual/goog_touch_interface/gti.0/ms_raw
chown system system /sys/devices/virtual/goog_touch_interface/gti.0/self_test
chown system system /sys/devices/virtual/goog_touch_interface/gti.0/ss_base
chown system system /sys/devices/virtual/goog_touch_interface/gti.0/ss_diff
chown system system /sys/devices/virtual/goog_touch_interface/gti.0/ss_raw
# Override SF and RE uclamps to 0 on boot after being set elsewhere, for adpf cpu hints
on property:sys.boot_completed=1
trigger override-sf-uclamp
on override-sf-uclamp
write /proc/vendor_sched/rt_uclamp_min 0
write /proc/vendor_sched/sf_uclamp_min 0